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Todmorden u3a Groups

Alfresco History & Archaeology     

Venue Various - see calendar
Contact NULL

Art Appreciation History     

When First Thursday each month
Venue Fielden Centre Main Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information We meet all year round, two meetings at Fielden Hall with the third month being a visit to a gallery or studio. Our Fielden Hall meetings comprise a mixture of member-speakers, visiting speakers and whole-group sharing - on a range of topics. Our meetings include a break for drinks and biscuits.

Art Club     

When Alternate Wednesdays
Venue TLCCH- Bridestones room - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Members are all very enthusiastic and have a wide range of artistic interests and abilities. Meetings are based on the idea of a workshop/studio situation and we focus on self-exploration and shared ideas. Whilst we each set and develop our individual goals we do not work in isolation - even though it is not a taught group- and thus we learn a great deal from each other.

Board Games Group     

When 2nd Monday of each month.
Venue Various - see calendar
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Conveners: Brenda & Jim Botten, 01422844987 as well as by email.


When 2nd Tuesday and 4th Monday in the month
Venue Hare and Hounds - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:15 to 16:15
Information Beginners and seasoned players welcome. Canasta is a card game for 2 or 3 people playing individually or for 4, 5 or 6 people –playing in teams. The rules will be sent out to interested members and although they may sound complicated I can assure you they are easy once you get playing.

Coffee Club     

When 1st Monday
Venue Honest John - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Information Coffee Club meets at Honest John 6 Rochdale Rd Todmorden,the private room is normally reserved for our use from about 1030am - about noon.Any member of U3A can attend. The club operates on the first Monday of the month except when it is a Bank Holiday when meetings take place on the second Monday of the month. A perfect way to get to know fellow members in a relaxed & informal atmosphere. Call in for a few minutes or for the full session - it's up to you.

Concert party     

When Tuesdays
Venue Fire Station Community Room - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Contact 07504290071


When Alternate Fridays
Venue TLCCH- Bridestones room - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 12:30

Creative Writing Group     

When 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month
Venue TLCCH- Hawkstones room - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Contact 01706876984

Enjoyment of wine group     

When 1st Saturday and 3rd Friday in the month
Venue Online Meeting
Normally meets 19:00 to 21:00
Information Please contact Bob or Michael for the next tasting in good time, so he can make sure there is enough wine for every one! Currently a Zoom meeting. From 19th April 2024 meetings will be online on the 1st Saturday in the month 7-9pm and at Tod College on the 3rd Friday in the month 2-4pm.

First Tuesday Reading Group     

When First Tuesday per calendar month , at 2.00 pm
Venue Hebden Bridge Town Hall - The Greenwood Room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information Members take turns to propose the book for discussion, in alphabetical order based on first names.

French Improvers     

When 2nd and 4th Mondays in the month
Venue TLCCH- Hawkstones room - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:30
Information Members usually have studied French at some point, however long ago! Our main aim is to be able to have a simple conversation in French, maybe to ask or give information and more importantly to understand the answer!

Gardening Group     

When 1st Tuesday of each month - October to March only
Normally meets 10:30 to 11:10
Information Covering all Gardening topics. All meetings held by Zoom and only take place during "winter" ie October to March inc. A chance to talk about gardening issues and how to become a more effective gardener; sharing our experiences of gardening in or near the foothills of the Pennines. Members have a range of expertise and knowledge in a variety of gardening locations. This is an opportunity to share how to achieve gardening success in our bracing environment! New Members are welcome.

German Group     

When Tuesdays
Venue Honest John - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Tuesday afternoons 2.00-4.00 contact Andy 07957722078

Golf for Fun     

When Monday mornings (May - September)
Venue Todmorden Golf Club - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 12:30
Information Meets at Todmorden Golf Course.

Intermediate Walkers     

Contact NULL

Local History Group     

When Ist Monday of each month
Normally meets 10:25 to 12:00

Lunch Club     

When Once a month
Venue Various - see calendar
Normally meets 12:30 to 15:00
Information These lunches provide an opportunity to visit a variety of pubs and restaurants where members can socialise and sample local eating venues. Each month a member chooses and books the venue. Information is sent out to members in advance by the convenor.

Mah Jong     

When Every Wednesday
Venue Hare and Hounds - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:15 to 16:15
Information Mahjong is a tile-based game that was developed in China during the Qing dynasty and has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. A game of skill but also chance. Some basic preparation is helpful to enable beginners to join the Group.

Modern Greek     

When Alternate Thursday
Venue Saltonstall Room, Hebden Bridge Town Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:15
Information Modern Greek beginners currently using the book 'Communicate in Greek for Beginners'. Any new members must be OK with alphabet and present tense.


When Third Monday of the month
Venue Honest John - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 13:00
Information MOTO stands for Members On Their Own. The Group aims to support people who are on their own to attend social and educational events. "MOTO' includes not only singles, divorced and separated people, widows and widowers but also those whose spouse or partner cannot accompany them.

Online Zoom Group     

When 1st Thursday of Month - September 24 to March 25
Venue Online Meeting
Normally meets 19:00 to 20:30

Opera Appreciation Group     

When 2nd Tuesday of each month -restarting September 14
Venue Roomfield Baptist Church - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:15 to 16:15
Information We usually watch a whole opera on DVD with an interval for refreshment and conversation. Sometimes we have members giving introductions to the operas or composers and occasionally we have a guest speaker. Some members are very knowledgable about opera already and others new to this amazing art form.


When Alternate Mondays
Venue Online Meeting
Normally meets 10:15 to 00:00

Photography Group 1     

When 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Venue Various - see calendar
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:30
Information A group for people looking to improve their photography. 2nd Wednesday is a practical session or exhibition visit at various location 4th Wednesday is at the upstairs room in Fielden Centre

Pickleball in Mytholmroyd     

When Wednesday
Normally meets 15:00 to 16:00
Contact NULL
Information tbd

Pickleball in Todmorden     

When Tuesdays (except school holidays)
Venue Todmorden Sports Centre - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:00
Information All equipment provided. Meet in the Sports Hall. Indoor sports footwear to be worn. New group. Have fun while learning a new sport, improve fitness and make new friends. Enjoyable and good fun. Give it a try!!

Poetry Appreciation     

When 2nd Friday
Venue Online Meeting
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:30
Information We take copies of a poem on a theme, and read and discuss it. Potential members would be expected to have some poetical knowledge for this group.

Practical Art     

When Alternate Fridays
Venue Fielden Centre Main Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 13:30


When 2nd Thursday
Venue Honest John - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 12:00 to 13:30
Information This psychology group meets to discuss many and various topics from a psychological viewpoint. Members are encouraged to decide the topics. We use TV programmes, radio podcasts and news items to stimulate the discussions.


When 4th Thursday
Venue Central Methodist Church - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:15 to 12:00
Information Quizzes set by any member who wants to set a quiz. Teams chosen at random each week. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Cost is £3.00 per session.


When Each Wednesday at 10.00 am
Venue Online Meeting
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:45
Information We are following two lecture series. The first is on "Biology and Human Behaviour", and the second is on “Impossible Physics”


When 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month.
Venue Central Methodist Church - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:00 to 15:00
Information We play Scrabble and socialise.

Social history     

When 21 MARCH 2025
Venue Central Methodist Church - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:15 to 11:15
Contact Alan Fowler
Information Subject : Viscount Snowden 1st Labour Chancellor -early years.

Strollers Group     

When First Wednesday of each month March - October
Information The group will be meeting on the first Wednesday of each month for an easy walk at a leisurely pace around local areas from March to October each year. Full details of each stroll, including starting time, meeting point and approximate length, are sent by email to all group members in advance. Contact the Group Convenors Barbara Wigley ( or Helen at ( for more information

Table Tennis and Badminton     

When Mondays
Venue Todmorden Sports Centre - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 15:00 to 17:00
Contact Ernie Rogan

Tablet and iPad Group     

When 1st Tuesday of each month
Venue Honest John - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:30
Information Phone 07398682519 Advice and guidance on using smart phones and tablets.

The Book Group     

When 1st Monday
Venue TLCCH- Hawkstones room - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information We meet on the 1st Monday of the month, unless it's a bank holiday, in Hawkstones Room 203 in the TLCCH (Todmorden Learning Centre and Community Hub, Burnley Road), 2pm to 3.30pm. We are a friendly and informal group with a passion for good literature, ranging from classics to modern. Each member has the opportunity to choose a novel and lead the discussion. New members are welcome. There is a small charge for the room; we either borrow books from our local libraries or purchase them second hand from online book sellers.

Walking Cricket     

When Second and Fourth Thursday in the Month
Venue Todmorden Sports Centre - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Walking Cricket involves a team of eight or six players (three to four pairs). Everything is walking including the runs and fielding. A match last about one hour and a half. A soft ball is used with plastic bats. The emphasis is on having some fun, and enjoying ourselves, whilst improving our fitness and our mental wellbeing.

Walking Group     

When Last Tuesday of the month (except December)
Venue The Great Outdoors
Information The Walking Group currently walks on the last Tuesday in the month (except December), usually starting from (and usually finishing) somewhere near the centre of Todmorden or Hebden Bridge between 10:00am and 11:00am and sometimes travelling by bus to the start of the actual walk. Walks are usually in the range 5 to 6 miles in length and normally finish before 2:00pm. We usually carry a drink/snack and take a short break somewhere en route. Details of each walk are sent out by the Convenor exclusively by email to all group members (or their appointed "email buddies") and posted on the website calendar approximately 2 weeks before each walk. The Convenors are Peter Gibson ( and Bill Griffiths ( Membership of the group is open to all Full and Affiliate Members of U3A Todmorden. However, it is important to understand that the group is definitely a Walking Group, not a Strollers Group. Operating in the Pennines means that there will usually be hills to climb, sometimes long and steep and sometimes with difficult terrain in places and quite often with stiles to negotiate. We don't walk at a fast pace but, on the other hand, we don't dawdle! Therefore members must be reasonably fit and active. It's always necessary to wear walking boots or other sturdy footwear and to be suitably dressed for the weather conditions. Some of our walkers find it helpful to take a walking pole with them. As with all U3A activities, we are a "self-help group", which means that although the Convenors do all the necessary organisation, walks are actually led by individual group members. All members are expected to suggest a suitable route occasionally and to be prepared to lead the other group members around it.

Weekend Walking     

When Second weekend
Venue The Great Outdoors
Contact 07593 596670
Information This is a new group. The normal start times etc are to be decided by the members

World Cinema Group     

When 2nd & 4th Friday 13.30 (doors open 13.10)
Venue Roomfield Baptist Church - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 16:30
Information Each film will be in original version with English subtitles. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film.