Settle District

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Settle District u3a Groups

Art Appreciation     

When 1st Tuesday 2-3.30pm
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information This group is led by David Holdsworth. More information is here: <A HREF=></A>.

Art study     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 2nd and 4th Thursday each month ,time 1pm till 3pm
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:00 to 15:00
Information Leader: Teresa Gordon We shall study Portraits,Life modelling,Still life and Landscapes.


When 10th Feb 2025
Venue The Golden Lion
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Contact Val Carroll 07946 453362
Information Backgammon group will meet on second and fourth Monday of the month. Backgammon is a two player board game that is played with counters and dice on a board. Players move their counters around triangular points, according to the throw of the dice. It is suitable for all levels and members will learn to play in the relaxed atmosphere of the Golden Lion in Settle. Group leader Val Carroll can be contacted on 07946 453362


When Wednesdays and Fridays
Venue Langcliffe Village Hall
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:00
Contact Barry White
Information The badminton group meets every Friday at 10.00am in Langcliffe Village Institute and at St John's on a Wednesday morning between 11am and 1pm. It attracts players of mixed ability, both those with some or no experience of the game. People can meet in a friendly atmosphere and enjoy developing their skills while making new friends. It can be competitive, however, it is more about having fun than winning a championship. All you need is a racket, suitable shoes and a sense of fun. If you feel like stretching your legs and hitting a shuttlecock then join us.

Ballroom Dancing     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Thursdays
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:00
Contact Stephanie Phillip
Information This group is for improvers rather than beginners and meets on 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons at 2pm. This group requires that 2 people dance together so you need to attend with a dancing partner.


When Monthly outdoor and indoor meetings
Venue Other
Contact Les Chandler Tel. 07802 543676
Information The aim of the group is to provide members, whatever their level of birding expertise, with the opportunity to: 1. enjoy the experience of looking for, and at, birds in the wild; 2. understand how different bird species live; and 3. develop their skills in identifying individual bird species.

Book Group     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 3rd Monday; 2-3.30pm
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Contact 01729 822524
Information Leader: Jackie Allott: We are an informal group meeting and take it in turns to choose a book for general discussion. This means a chance to read a across a range of books - fiction and sometimes non-fiction - which may not usually be on our own agenda. There is plenty of opportunity to share our thoughts and we always relish differing ideas. The group is limited to about twelve members as it enables everyone to join in as they wish. Pre- Covid we met in each others homes but then 'zoomed'. More recently we have met at Friends Meeting House and it will be a group decision should we decide to continue or change this arrangement. It would be good to hear from you if you wanted to know more or just come along for a 'taster' session.


When Every Monday and every Thursday
Venue Limestone View, Settle
Normally meets 10:15 to 12:30
Contact 07788184174
Information Leader: Barbara Herring This Bridge group is for all levels. The Group meets every Monday morning to play bridge online from home. On Thursday mornings we meet in the cafe at Limestone View in Settle. At the moment there are some that play in person, some who play online and some who play both in person and online. The online facility will be maintained even after everyone feels COVID secure. If interested in learning and/or playing bridge ring Barbara Herring on 07788184174

Card Making     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 3rd Thursday 10-12am and 1-3pm
Venue Leader's home
Normally meets 10:00 to 15:00
Information Leader: Wendy Newby: Third Thursday of each month. 2 sessions -one in morning(10-12am) and one in afternoon(1-3pm). Max 6 members at each session. Each month we make at least two cards using a wide range of techniques and materials (which are supplied for a small charge). The leader provides any specialist tools and equipment required. A basic crafting tool kit of scissors, craft knife and mat, metal rulers etc is useful but not essential.

Chair-based Exercise     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday mornings
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:30 to 11:30
Contact Gillian Walton
Information Though chair-based, this is not entirely a seated class. Several exercises are done standing but with an option to remain seated. The emphasis is on exercising safely in order to maintain as much mobility and independence as possible for each individual. There are neither age nor ability limits. All are welcome. We exercise to a wide range of music which helps keep the energy flowing and adds to the enjoyment.


  Note that Crafts is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

When 4th Friday
Venue Settle Swimming Pool
Normally meets 13:00 to 15:00
Contact charlottetreglown@googlemail.c
Information A monthly group which runs September-June. Each month there's an opportunity to try out a craft, as well as to work on your own projects in the company of other crafters. The group is run by Charlotte, who is a natural dyer and botanical printer, and a dabbler in all sorts of other techniques. Group members also share their skills and expertise, either by helping others with their work, by demonstrating what they do, or by running a participative session. The group meets in one of the rooms at the Swimming Pool, so it's be possible to grab a cuppa too. Sign up and bring your knitting (or whatever) along!

Creative Writing     

When 2nd Thursdays 2 - 4 pm
Venue Members Homes
Normally meets 14:15 to 16:00
Contact NULL
Information This group is led by Liz Hampton This is a course for all writers or would-be writers, and members will be encouraged to develop their own areas of interest in a supportive group. Exercises, suggestions and homework will be geared to individual needs and there will be plenty of fun, inspiration, discussion and feedback. Suitable for both experienced writers and beginners. All that participants are asked to bring are pens, paper and an open mind. We meet in members homes.

Crime Novel Book Group     

  Note that Crime Novel Book Group is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

When Second Friday of the month. 2pm- 3.30
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Contact Elaine Sargeson 07773 694608
Information Do you enjoy a good crime novel, be it police procedural,cosy crime or murder mystery? If the answer is yes, then this group is for you. Reading and reviewing a wide range of novels in the genre, we will meet once a month in the Activity Room at The Friends Meeting House, the second Friday of the month at 2pm. Starting in September 2024.

Dance Exercise     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:00
Information A mix of Latin, jazz and Zumba Gold which can be high energy or low impact - you choose!

Family History     

When 4th Friday 10.30am-12.30pm
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:30
Information Leader: Eileen Bamford: For all who are interested in family history, from beginners to the more experienced. The programme will combine work on specific topics, in plenary sessions and in small groups, give opportunities to bring individual queries and to organise visits to relevant libraries, record offices etc. This is not so much a course, more a discussion and development group, with shared help and encouragement.

Film Appreciation     

When Third Thursday from 19 September 2024
Venue The Place
Normally meets 14:00 to 17:00
Information Meetings booked for 16th January, 20th February, 20th March. The Film Appreciation group is led by Annette Kuhn FBA, and offers a mixed programme including screenings, talks, outings to cinemas and discussions. Annette is well qualified to lead this group having written about films and cinema and taught Film Studies for many years.

Founding Members     


French (continuing)     

When Every Tuesday 14.00 to 15.30
Venue Settle Swimming Pool
Normally meets 14:05 to 15:30
Contact 01729 825972
Information Leader: Colin Coleman: This is a very friendly group, whose members all have some previous knowledge of French. We use a range of printed and recorded texts, including literature, poetry, song and journalism with a particular emphasis on members' own experience, to improve our spoken language and understanding of France and the French. All are encouraged to be both teacher and learner and not to worry about making mistakes.

Garden Visit Group     

When Monthly as planned
Contact NULL
Information The Garden Visiting Group usually meets once a month, often on a Sunday. We enjoy visiting a variety of gardens and do return to old favourites from time to time. The only requirement from participants is that they enjoy looking at gardens!. If they are interested in identifying any particular plant, another member may know or we can consult an app! We try to ensure that refreshments and toilets are available and we will highlight any possible hazards, if known. However, as most of the gardens we visit are private, it isn't feasible to do a 'dry run' first. Sensible clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather are advised. Where possible, car sharing is encouraged in part to reduce our carbon footprint but especially to enable members, who don't drive, the opportunity to visit the gardens. There is NO expectation that members attend every visit.'


When 3rd Tuesday 2.00-3.30pm
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Contact 01729 822311 or 07484629961
Information Leader: Keith Waterson: First meeting is on Tuesday 17th September at 2.00pm. Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday in Sept, Oct, Nov, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,and June but you will be emailed with the meet times. I intend to start from the basics of Geology and then look at local, UK and other areas, As you travel around this green and pleasant land, have you ever wondered why that hill is smooth and rounded, that one is stepped, another jagged? Even why there are hills in that direction and a valley or plane in another? Why are different agricultural practices being followed as you move from one area to another or why is a village located where it is or why does that plant grow there and not there? The answer is often GEOLOGY. In this group and we will try to unravel some of these mysteries and get a few insights into the ideas behind this fascinating topic. Some meetings are talks on other occasion we go out on field trips - some of these may take the full day if we are travelling further afield.

German (conversation)     

  Note that German (conversation) is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

When 2nd and 4th Wednesday 10.30-12.00 am
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Contact 01729 840090
Information Leader: Sheila Goodall: We aim to spend as much time as possible in conversation, with the emphasis on communicating in German so that you can be understood. Getting your message across takes priority over being word perfect. Topics are wide ranging, from discussion of personal interests and experiences, local events or travel to discussions based on magazine articles covering a wide range of subjects which we read together during our sessions. There is no formal programme and group members are encouraged to propose topics or contribute articles for discussion This group is not suitable for beginners.

Great Lives     

When 3rd Wednesday 11am-12.15pm
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:15
Contact 01729 825786
Information Leaders: John Jebson and Robert Young: The group allows members to present a summary of the life and times of a subject of their choice followed by a group discussion on the presentation.Lives may be current or historical and from any field of human achievement. Participants are guaranteed to learn something new!!

Group Leaders     

Contact NULL

Italian conversation     

When Tuesday 21 January 2025 (1st and 3rd Tuesdays)
Venue Limestone View, Settle
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:30
Contact Clare Leigh
Information We meet twice a month (on the first and third Tuesdays) to practise speaking Italian, helping each other to become more fluent. If you can already speak some Italian and wish to improve, then get in touch and join in!

Jazz Dance     

Venue Other
Contact 01729 822579
Information This group is taking a gap year. Leader: Marjorie Walker: To all you wanna be dancers, my name is Marjorie. I have danced all my life and taught for more years than I care to remember. I believe everyone has the right to dance to their ability. These classes will be friendly, relaxed and the art of dance will be taught with, hopefully, some fun. So please come along.

Line Dancing     

When Every Thursday 11.15 - 12.15
Venue Catholic Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:15 to 12:15
Information Leaders: Eileen Bamford, Janet Wood and Jill Craig: Line Dancing for all levels, from beginners to those who have been dancing for some time. Fun exercise for body and mind.

Lunch Group     

When 3rd Friday 12.30pm
Venue Other
Normally meets 12:30 to 00:00
Contact 01729 825515
Information Leader: Joan Schofield: This group is for anyone who wants to have the occasional lunch out. It may happen on other days. Transport is usually available. The group is kept small and venues are not expensive.

No photos please     

Information This is a list of our members who do not want to appear in a public photo, for example newsletter or website or advertising material.

Old Buildings     

When Visits are arranged on an ad hoc basis
Venue Other
Contact Les Chandler
Information The group provides members with the opportunity to enjoy and learn about historic properties in the company of those who share their interest in history, architecture and heritage.

Open Mic     

When 2nd Thursday each month starting in September 2024
Venue Craven Heifer Stainforth
Normally meets 19:45 to 22:30
Information We shall meet once a month at the Craven Heifer Pub in Stainforth. Opportunities await anyone who would like to perform something. For those who don't want to perform, we are sure to have a great evening in a friendly country pub. As well as providing a performing opportunity for guitarist/singers, we can provide backing for singers who don't play an accompanying instrument. We also hope to include comedy, poetry, story telling, recitations; as well as singers. Anyone can come along, either to contribute, or just to enjoy the show in a friendly country pub. If you want to perform something, come along on the night and put your name on the list. Make sure you bring your friends and family to cheer you on! The event is open to all comers; not just U3A members. For more information, please email me. Ken Larkins


When 1st and 3rd Thursday 2.15-3.45pm
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:15 to 15:45
Contact 01524272754/07738291734
Information Leader: Keith Hyde: We have just left Plato and will be lookng at a number of different philosophers and subjects till June. References are sometimes on YouTube as well as printed. Sessions include Chomsky; Marxist philosophy; Heidegger and modern Existentialism; a paper by Kierkegaard and another by Liebniz: possibly an Identity and and Transgender; Panpsychism. These later session may change wth members interests. Come and join us. Text, phone, or email Keith

Pickle Ball     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday am (divided into different play groups)
Venue St John's Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Contact 01729 268673
Information Played ball sports but find the tennis court a bit much now or would struggle with the serve? Then pickleball could be just what you’re looking for. It’s a cross between tennis, badminton and table tennis, played on a badminton size court. But beware - it’s addictive…………. Beginning on 25th November, we will be at St John’s church hall on Monday mornings. As there is only the one court, the group will be divided into sections. So if you are interested, contact Kath to see what time you could play. No play on Mondays 23rd and 30th December.

Play Reading     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 3rd Tuesday 1.30pm-4pm October - June inclusive
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 13:30 to 00:00
Contact 01729 822524
Information Leader: Jackie Allott: The idea is to try a new area of reading, perhaps also enjoy our untapped talents for drama and expression. Do not let the latter put you off though, as advice suggests we focus on the words of the play and just read the lines, become lost in the story and what comes out of that is the point and the fun! Members of the Group will, hopefully, take turns in deciding the play and perhaps direct for the monthly meeting. Other members just turn up on the day with no homework in between (unless you are keen to do your own research which you may find helpful). Think of your wish list of plays you would like to share with others even film scripts maybe. I will help organise/lead, as required. NB we are limited and enabled/delighted by the scripts we can source - we currently rely Leeds Media Library There is a small charge for the monthly loans.

Poetry Appreciation     

When 4th Thursdays 2.15 - 4 pm
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:15 to 16:00
Contact Pippa Doran
Information Leader: Pippa Doran: In a relaxed atmosphere, we read a wide variety of poems leading to group discussion which always proves lively and thought-provoking and often suggests further topics of interest. It doesn't matter how much or how little you know about poetry - in fact, the more variety the better. We meet at 2.15pm on 4th Thursday afternoon each month at Settle Friends Meeting House.

Refreshment Volunteers     

When 2nd Thursdays
Venue St John's Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 09:30 to 12:00

Science for Everyone     

When 3rd Friday of month
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 00:00 to 12:00
Contact Anita Lee
Information We will be meeting in the small downstairs room adjacent to the kitchen. If you wish to make a tea or coffee ( 50p ) please arrive by 9:45, the talk will start around 10 for an hour.Please wash up your cup. Parking is easy in the Ashfield Car Park. Access can be gained to FMH by a gate at the rear of the carpark.


When 2nd Monday 1.30-3.30pm
Venue Limestone View, Settle
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:30
Contact 015242 51816
Information Leader: Barbara Herring and Brenda Pearce: Playing Scrabble with the emphasis being on enjoyment rather than achievement. We are always ready to welcome new members to the group.

Settle Solos     

When 2nd and 4th Wednesday in a month
Venue Other
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:00
Information This is a new group aimed at the unattached amongst us. We will be meeting twice a month on Wednesdays initially at The Folly in Settle for light refreshments. We all need to make new friends and meet new people and as someone once said ‘a stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet’. The first meeting will be on 10th May. If you are interested then contact me via my email.

Singing for Pleasure     

When Starting again 4th February, 2025 10.00am
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:15
Contact 07592 486149
Information Leader: Catherine Holland: The group sings a wide variety of songs from the ones we learnt at school, to recent ones from the musicals and various artists. It is a very informal group and the meetings are based on people enjoying their singing and finding pleasure in attending the session For any new members wishing to join the group, we start again after the Christmas Break on Tuesday 4th February 2025 Many thanks Cate

Sociology and Current Issues     

When 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Venue Limestone View, Settle
Normally meets 10:15 to 12:00
Contact 07812986928
Information Leader: Jennifer Warner: What is Sociology? Sociology is an exciting subject that analyses and tries to explain important matters in our society. It is something that everyone can relate to. We will be discussing issues like racial and gender identity, family, deviant behaviour, crime, poverty, prejudice and discrimination. You will need to come with an open mind as we will be looking at issues from varying perspectives.

Spanish Beginners     

When Weekly Weds 11.30am
Venue St John's church large meeting room
Normally meets 11:30 to 13:00
Contact Robert Jackson
Information A friendly group for beginners looking to pick up some basic Spanish in a friendly and supportive environment. We will be using the book Pasos 1 as our starting point. Dont be shy; come along and give it a go!

Spanish Conversation     

When 1st and 3rd Mondays Oct 21 2024 to July 21 2025
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:30
Contact Ian Gray
Information Suenos 2 plus audio material Emphasis on communication

Spanish Intermediate     

  Note that Spanish Intermediate is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

When 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:30
Contact Tamsin Candeland 01729 825760
Information Spanish Intermediate Conversation is not for beginners. A great opportunity to progress your language skills with help from Tamsin and other members of the group. The focus of the group will be general conversation, short stories, news items and magazine articles on a wide range of topics. We occasionally work on grammar points arising from the material we have been reading. The topics we work on are generally suggested my members of the group.


When Oct to March fortnightly/April to Sept weekly.
Venue Other
Normally meets 15:00 to 17:00
Contact Ian Gray 07969 876882
Information Our Sport Group meets twice a month for snooker and darts, October to March at Settle Social Club. April to September, Walking Cricket 3pm-5pm every Monday at Settle Cricket Club (This requires joining Settle CC for a £20 annual membership fee). Walking football and netball are being explored.

Table Tennis     

When every Friday 11-12noon
Venue Langcliffe Village Hall
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:00
Contact Kath Hamflett
Information Table Tennis is lead by Kath Hamflett. The group and the venue have been risk assessed. We meet 11.00 -12 on Friday mornings at The Langcliffe Village Institute. This group costs £1 per session. We play most weeks of the year. New members are welcome. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played for years. Come and join us and you will soon improve and you will have a lot of fun whilst playing. We normally provide spare table tennis bats but because of Covid you will need to provide your own. Please phone leader Kath on 01729 268673 if you have any queries.

Talk French     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Alternate Wednesday afternoons
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:15 to 16:00
Information Meeting at the Friends Meeting House , Settle, opposite Victoria Hall, in the ground floor meeting room. A relaxed , friendly class for those who have a basic knowledge of French, but maybe it has not been used very much! The class aims to improve Speaking and understanding in everyday situatons. Class dates Alternate Wednesday afternoons with some breaks - contact Jane for Class programme.


Contact NULL

Trustees & significant others     



When 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Venue Friends Meeting House
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Contact 01729 268294
Information Leader: Denis Lord and Elizabeth Bland 2.00pm - 3.45 pm 2ND AND 4TH TUESDAY MEETINGS None of us are experts! We learn from resources on the internet and from each other and have fun playing together. If you want to sample a session before deciding if you want to join feel free to come along to one; you will be made welcome. Beginners must be prepared to use the internet also (lots of free lessons online) and/or self teaching books to learn the basics. Either group leader is willing to give individual help until you get started.


When 1st 3rd and 5th Thursday and 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Normally meets 09:30 to 00:00
Contact NULL
Information Leaders: Annette Linsdell 07512551715 The Group has two levels of walk, the Tuesday walks average between 4 and 6 miles and are usually fairly easy. Thursday walks, which are up to 10 miles, are more challenging. Both groups meet at the Settle Cricket Club Car Park at 9.30 a.m. unless otherwise stated on the programme. New members are always welcome. Details of walks are sent out to group members the weekend before.

Walking Football team     

When TBA
Contact Ian Gray

Walking Netball     

When Wednesday mornings
Venue St John's Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:00
Contact Diane Lalor 07790 018815
Information Walking Netball is a slower version of the game, designed so that anyone can take part regardless of age or fitness level. Whilst it's fair to say that walking netball can be challenging, there are slightly different rules to Netball that include no running or jumping. The game is played for the benefit of everyone regardless of their ability. The emphasis is on having fun, keeping fit, making new friends and keeping the game inclusive. Weekly Sessions will be held at St John's Methodist Church in Settle on Wednesday, from 10am to 11am with the option of refreshments in The Coffee Pot after the game.


When Normally 1st and 3rd Saturdays
Contact Chris Benn 01729 824880
Information This group usually meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. We meet up at The Cricket Club and then head to our chosen destination It is a small friendly group who meet up for coffee and conversation, supporting a variety of local cafes!.  New members and their ideas are welcome.We would like this group to be welcoming and friendly with a mix of themed discussions, out-door time.  The unique element is getting together at the weekend and having an enjoyable and interesting low-cost time. 

Wine Appreciation     

  Note that Wine Appreciation is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

When 3rd Wednesday evening
Venue Members Homes
Normally meets 19:30 to 21:30
Contact 07809 409353
Information We meet each month on the third Wednesday at 7.30 in a member’s home to sample and appreciate wine of varying styles and qualities, and to debate their merits. This is a very sociable evening, and no knowledge of wine is necessary. Just a curious palate and good company!

Y1 - 99     


Y100 - 199     


Y200 - 299     


Y300 - 399     


Y400 - 499     


Y500 - 599     


Y600 - 699     


Y700 - 799     


Y800 - 899     


Y900 - 999     


Ya 1300- 1399     

Contact NULL

Ya1000 - 1099     


Ya1100 - 1199     



Contact NULL
Information NULL


When Wednesday mornings
Venue Settle Swimming Pool
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:00
Contact Elaine Sargeson
Information Starting in September 2024 this class is for those who want to maintain or improve their flexibility, strength and balance through gentle yoga stretches. Members will work under guidance at their own level. You will need to bring a non slip mat, blocks if required and wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. You may also want to bring a blanket and socks if you feel the cold. However, please note that for safety reasons you will need to work in bare feet during the session.