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Craven u3a Groups

2-Hour Hikes     

Meets Tuesday
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details This group gives you the friendship and fitness opportunities of a morning hike near Skipton, allowing you to do other things in the afternoon. We walk up to 4 miles, at a pace both exhilarating and companionable. We take in the usual ups and downs and variable footpaths of the Yorkshire Dales (sorry, but no dogs). We try to match with bus connections from Skipton. As these hikes finish before lunch, you do not need to bring a picnic, just something to drink. Before each walk we email out details, and you reply if you are coming. Weekly 01/10/2024 to 25/03/2025 Surcharge £0

2024 SP AA     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details The Business Case for the Green economy Despite reliable scientific evidence of the need for Net Zero, politicians, governments and fossil fuel providers are moving away from measures to address the problems. Yet the Green economy can provide the growth we need and, under the mainstream media radar, a great many companies, farmers, investors and other influencers are moving towards green solutions. My talk will focus on these and on the reasons why green solutions are so needed. There will be ample opportunity for discussion

2024 SP AB     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Thomas Hardy: 19th Century Novelist - 20th Century Poet Born in 1840, the son of a stone mason, Hardy became the most famous novelist of the late 19th century. He turned to writing poetry for the rest of his long life, covering subjects including the Boer War, the First World War, and even Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

2024 SP AC     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details The Lives of Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace Charles Babbage is best remembered for his differential and analytical machines which were the forerunners of modern computing while Ada demonstrated mathematical skills which would be at home in our present world of artificial intelligence

2024 SP AD     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Part 1: A Writer's Journey - the long and winding road to getting published and researching themes, especially human trafficking. Part 2: Creative Writing Workshop on 'Flash Fiction'. What is flash fiction? It's a very short story, typically 300-500 words but ranging from 1,000 to just six words.. You'll do some exercises to get your creativity flowing, with guidance on where to submit your work when you've polished it up. Bring a notebook and pen or a laptop/tablet

2024 SP AE     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details The Country House in Tudor & Stuart England. This talk looks at the evolution of the English country house during the fifteen and sixteen hundreds, including the manor houses and great 'prodigy houses' of Elizabethan and Jacobean times; the adoption of Italian Classical architecture; and the mighty Baroque palaces such as Castle Howard & Blenheim

2024 SP AF     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Bardsey Island: Haven of Wildlife David will explore the wildlife, geology, archaeology, human and monastic life of Bardsey Island, a tiny gem, the ‘Iona of Wales’. David is Life President of the Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory which has monitored wildlife daily for the past seventy years. Last year the island was awarded the first International Dark Sky Sanctuary in Europe

2024 SP AG     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details A Stroll around Skipton: Oversubscribed last year so a second chance if you missed this two hour guided walk around Skipton, taking in some historical highlights (and lowlifes!), buildings and byways, cultural curiosities, and industrial heritage. Discover the sometimes surprising stories behind the place which began as 'Sheep Town'. The walk begins promptly at 10.00 am

2024 SP AH     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 11:00
Details Stretching / Yoga. Exercise for flexibility, posture and balance. You should be able to sit down on your heels and do a shoulder stand to do the exercises correctly. You will need a yoga mat, wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water. The class is 1 hour long

2024 SP BA     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details From Glass Balls to Crystal Balls - a short history of Anaesthesia We will look at the discovery and development of anaesthesia to provide painless surgery from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Why did it take so long to mitigate the horror of surgery?.We will consider the present and possibly future role of the anaesthetist in the current health service.

2024 SP BB     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details Stephen Sondheim - music, lyrics and life. The lyricist of West Side Story went on to create the most innovative and often controversial musicals of the 20th century. Come and hear about his life and see clips of some of the shows of this multi-award-winning composer, whose original productions sometimes failed but whose revivals now sell out

2024 SP BC     

Meets 25th July 24
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details Harold Hopkins Optical Genius Born into poverty in Leicester in 1919, Harold Hopkins displayed great academic ability. Guidance and fate led him into the field of optical physics. His work led to the development of a variety of lens systems and other optical devices which have revolutionised modern life, yet his name is virtually unknown

2024 SP BD     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details China - a Brief History, then a Grand Tour Douglas Goode has visited China five times since 1988. After a brief history of China from Confucius to Mao, Douglas will talk about the places he has been to in North, South, East and West China and the changes he has seen

2024 SP BE     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details It’s Not All Sushi - a culinary trip to Japan One of the highlights of a trip to Japan is the food. In this talk we will introduce you to some of the ingredients, types of meals, famous dishes and the places to eat that you will find in Japan. Sorry – no samples!

2024 SP BG     

Meets 25th July 24
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details The Impressionists and their Legacy We will look at the development, techniques and impact of the Impressionists, as a group and as individual artists and their impact on late 19th century art, most particularly the Post Impressionists such as Van Gogh, Cezanne and Matisse. Jacqui will provide a powerpoint presentation and numerous books on the two movements but please bring books/ pictures and enthusiasms of your own as well!

2024 SP BH     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets 25th July 24
Venue email
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:30
Details Offsite exploration of Bingley 2pm-4.30pm Start/End at Bingley Arts Centre" A 3 mile walk around Bingley, exploring the unique challenges created over the last 400 years by this narrow valley and the growing demands of modern transport. Highlights include the 5 Rise Locks, Bingley Bog, a dissected graveyard and the canal that was moved to make way for a bypass. Note the late start/finish to allow for travel from Skipton

2024 SP CA     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Drumlins & Reefs: the little hills of Craven An illustrated appreciation of our drumlins and limestone reefs. These hills show Craven at two extremes. Reefs formed from life-teeming tropical seas over 300 million years ago, drumlins from ice-age glaciers scouring the land 20,000 years ago. The presentation explores these contrasts, and the relevance to current climate change

2024 SP CB     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Travellers’Tales from New Zealand New Zealand: a land of stunning beauty where the colours are brighter and the atmosphere seems lighter. Richard and his nephew, Laurie, hired a car and enjoyed a 25 day self guided odyssey. Having nothing booked gave a great sense of adventure and freedom but how did it work out and what was it like? Richard has some great stories, tips and l

2024 SP CC     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details M. and Mme Lavoisier: the chemistry between them.Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) has been called ‘the father of modern chemistry.’ Remarkably, his great triumph of wrenching chemistry from the obscurity of alchemy and wonky ideas about combustion was significantly facilitated by his marriage to the spirited Marie-Anne Paulze. Then in 1789 came the French Revolution, and country’s republican leaders declared they had ‘no need of scientists and chemists.’

2024 SP CD     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Samuel Beckett, the Irish playwright, the most philosophical of 20th Century Writers Beckettian theatre represented a Copernicus revolution. His stage characters exult in endless, pointless , yet entertaining metaphysical argument, as in his seminal work “ Waiting for Godot”. “. His biographer described him as “The last Modernist

2024 SP CE     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Desperate Romantics A glimpse at the paintings, lives and loves of the best-known PreRaphaelite artists. Rebelling against the strictures of the Victorian Royal Academy, they blazed an exciting colourful new trail in British art

2024 SP CF     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details Victorian Women The Victorian Age is usually seen as a male-dominated period in our history. So what was expected of women at this time and what did they expect for themselves? Many women made outstanding contributions in their chosen fields. Who were they and what were their achievements

2024 SP CG     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details A Stroll around Skipton: Offsite activity – The walk begins promptly at 10.00 am Oversubscribed last year so a second chance if you missed this two-hour guided walk around Skipton, taking in some historical highlights (and lowlifes!), buildings and byways, cultural curiosities, and industrial heritage. Discover the sometimes surprising stories behind the place which began as 'Sheep Town'

2024 SP DA     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details International film: 'Tampopo' A Japanese film, directed by Juzo Itami with English sub-titles. 'Tampopo' is a comedy where a group of vagrant Samurai guide a noodleshop owner in her quest for the perfect recipe for pulled noodles. This film is a sweet, sexy and surreal song to the sensual joys of nourishment. Japan 1985 114 mins

2024 SP DB     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details The Songs We Sang at School. This covers the historic and political forces that drove the development of community singing and singing in schools, the background to a selection of songs that featured in commonly used school singing books in the 50s - 70s and the BBC programme Singing Together which most u3a members will remember. No singing is required of participants.

2024 SP DC     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Details Paper Craft - making a 'Blizzard Fold' notebook. We will make a small notebook, using paper folding techniques. This book has replaceable papers that slot into the book spine. There will be guidance and opportunity to practise the folds before completing at least one notebook. It would be helpful if you can bring a pair of paper scissors but paper and glue will be provided.

2024 SP DD     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:30
Details Indoor Games This session will provide a taster of the activities of the winter Indoor Games Group. You will be able to participate in some friendly competition, taking part in a wide range of board & card games. Dominoes, scrabble & many others available. No prizes or trophies – purely for fun

2024 SP DE     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details Boulton and Watt - Men who powered the Industrial Revolution We will look at their early lives, how they came to meet, and the history of the company they formed

2024 SP DF     

Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Details Hackfall is a steep wooded gorge near Ripon, once part of the Studley Royal Estate. In the 18th century, it was a famous attraction for travellers in search of the Picturesque. Come and hear about this wonderful place, and the ideas these early tourists were pursuing

2024 SP DG     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets 26th July
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Details Latin Dance: no partner or experience required Dancing is great for well-being, toning, muscle and bone strength. Jacqui is a trained dance teacher who will teach you how to dance solo: the cha cha, samba, rumba, jive and paso doble to the rhythms of Latin music. Comfortable clothing and footwear

2024 SP DH     

Meets 26th July
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:00
Details Offsite Visit to Craven Cattle Market, Skipton Meeting point: The Gather, Craven Auction Market at 1.30pm Jeremy Eaton, the manager of Craven Cattle Marts Ltd, will give an insight into the history and development of livestock sales in Skipton followed by a tour and discussion about the site and its development in the last 25 years .If members would like to observe the end of a sheepdog auction, it is advisable to arrive as early as possible. There is a café where you can soak up the atmosphere and get a bite to eat.

2024 SP Team + Presenters     

Meets 25th & 26th July 2024
Venue Ermysteds Grammar School - map
Details SP Team + Presenters

Ad Hoc Walking     

Meets varied
Details There is no programme; walks are proposed by group members at short notice taking advantage of good weather. Any group member can propose a walk anytime, anywhere, any length. The proposer can set the maximum group size. Groups are usually small (historical maximum: 18, average: 6). On joining the group, you will be sent the latest guidelines. Irregular All Year Surcharge £0.00

Adventure into Classical Music     

Meets Thursday
Venue St Andrews Church Primary Room
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Do you enjoy listening to classical music but wish you knew more of it and more about it? This group aims to cater for you - we shall listen to all sorts of music - often starting from something familiar and then exploring pieces that relate to it, always accompanied by some explanation or story which sheds new light or asks an intriguing question. There will also be a strand of discovery in each meeting - for this course presentation we shall look at the development of the symphony through the ages. Weekly Spring 16/01/2025 - 20/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Aerobic Fitness Training     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 15:00
Details The course is aimed at improving overall body fitness levels. Activities include some upper body strength training, as well as the generally accepted aerobic workouts, resistance training, incorporating light weights and use of gym equipment. Numbers are limited so Members should be prepared to do press-ups squats lunges and be able to sustain some high intensity aerobic exercise (HIIT). Suitable clothing essential. Please bring water and check with your doctor that HIIT is OK for you, as heart rates will be elevated. Weekly Autumn Spring 02/10/2024 to 04/12/2024 08/01/2025 to 12/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00


Meets Sunday
Venue Allotment
Normally starts 09:30 to 12:00
Details Self help group working together to grow vegetables fruit and flowers at Broughton Road allotments. No previous knowledge necessary just a willingness to work togetherThe group meets weekly but during the summer it is expected that members take a turn in any necessary watering during the week. The rota is organised on a Sunday and communicated by WhatsApp Cost of seeds, plants, compost and any other items needed to grow the produce. Weekly All Year Surcharge £5.00

Art Forum     

Meets Monday
Venue Zoom
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This is a fortnightly group where each member contributes to the discussions by introducing images of Art on Zoom.A regular commitment is required as we each develop our way of seeing together as a member of the Group. Fortnightly Autumn Spring 14/10/2024 - 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 10/03/2025 Surcharge £0.00

Arthurian Legends     

Meets Monday
Venue Swadford Centre Assembly Room
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Monty Python, Mallory, Myth and Music – a study in film, opera, literature and art of the legends surrounding King Arthur. Themes include Lancelot and Guinevere, Parsifal and the Grail, Excalibur and Arthur’s death. Sessions mostly consist of a film or filmed opera, with additional material from poetry and art. There is also a screening of Chausson's Le roi Arthus subtitled in English specially for us. Fortnightly Spring 06/01/2025 to 17/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Aspects of Art and Architectu     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Embsay Village Hall - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details This course looks at the major movements in art, architecture & design, particularly in Britain in the 19th century, and more widely in Europe & America in the 20th century. Weekly Autumn 02/10/2024 to 11/12/2024 Surcharge £5.00

Astronomy, & Planetary Geology     

Meets Monday
Venue Swadford Centre Assembly Room
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Earth’s climate from the viewpoint of astronomy and geology is one of the themes of these illustrated talks on our planet and its relation to the Solar System. We look at planetary origin and evolution, rocks and volcanism, interiors and surfaces, atmospheres and energy. Each talk is self-contained, so don't worry if you miss a session. We also discuss what can be seen in the night sky at the moment. Fortnightly Autumn 07/10/2024 to 02/12/2024 Surcharge £5.00


Meets Thursday
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 12:00 to 13:00
Details Played on 4 marked courts as per Badminton England guidelines. Clothing as for indoor sports with non-marking shoes. A reasonable level of fitness is required. Game details: doubles. 2 games played to 11 points with 2 points clear. Players will rotate between all 4 courts depending on numbers and availability. Short waits may happen at busy times. Court fees: £4 per session payable by bank transfer. No further fees will apply. Weekly All Year05/09/2024 Surcharge £0.00


Meets Monday
Venue Bolton Abbey Village Hall - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Meetings are weekly and alternate between indoor meetings at Bolton Abbey Village Hall (where we have presentations from members and visiting speakers and some DVDs) and trips by car sharing or coach to nearby birdwatching spots. Many are RSPB reserves so membership is useful. The groups is co-ordinated by Jacqui but many long serving members help with leading small groups on trips/ giving presentations/ sorting I.T and making coffee. New members welcome! Weekly Autumn Spring 07/10/2024 to 16/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 24/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Bridge Play     

Meets Thursday
Venue Draughton Village Hall
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Craven u3a play Duplicate Bridge at Draughton Village Hall on Thursday afternoons between the dates shown in the calendar. A friendly group which welcomes all, from the area round Skipton, who have played a bit of bridge. There is a charge of £1 for the year to cover the cost of cards and travellers. Weekly Autumn Spring03/10/2024 - 12/12/2024 16/01/2025 - 27/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00


Meets Wednesday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This series of talks is a revised repeat of the 2023 course. The great Christian empire of Byzantium (330-1453) is both the successor and continuation of the Roman Empire. Spanning Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Byzantium has been undeservedly neglected. Now is your chance to become familiar with its tumultuous history. Nigel keeps the narrative going. Jane reveals its glorious artistic and architectural achievements. This course is not suitable for dipping in and out of. Please note that priority of place will go to those members on the waiting list of the 2023 course. Weekly Autumn02/10/2024 - 11/12/2024 Surcharge £5.00


Meets Thursday
Venue St Andrews Church Primary Room
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details The calligraphy group is a small friendly group, which meets in Skipton, fortnightly from 17th October 2024 to 13th March 2025. The members have a range of skills and levels of experience. We would welcome experienced calligraphers and beginners. We don’t have a tutor but existing members will act as mentors to beginners. New members will be provided with equipment, books and guidance to get started. Practising beautiful handwriting is mindful and relaxing. You might want to learn different scripts or produce works of art. If you are unsure whether it would suit you, feel free to try it for a few weeks. Fortnightly Autumn Spring 03/10/2024 - 12/12/2024 16/01/2025 - 13/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Coastal Navigation     

Meets Thursday Weekly Autumn
Venue Mallory Court - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details The objective of this course is to give you basic information on Navigating at sea to enable you, after a sailing course, to crew a yacht. The course will cover: fixing your position at sea, the effect of wind and tide on your course, planning a ‘passage’. You will learn this by doing exercises using the ‘Firth of Clyde’ chart which will be provided. 3rd October to 12th December 2024

Craven u3a Orchestra     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Embsay Village Hall - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details If you play, or have ever played, an instrument you will be welcome at the orchestra. Our members have varying levels of skill, from beginners to the highly proficient, but all share an enthusiasm for making music together. Our repertoire ranges widely over the musical landscape – Beethoven, Handel, Sousa and Mancini all featured in our March 2024 concert. The rehearsals are always an enjoyable and rewarding way of spending an afternoon. Weekly Autumn Spring 25/09/2024 to 04/12/2024 08/01/2025 to 19/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Creative Writing     

Meets Varied
Details This is not a normal U3A group! We do not actually meet... unless by chance... or for social reasons. We communicate by email and each fortnight a new topic is set. We then have two weeks in which to send our contribution (preferably by attaching a Word file) to the rest of the group via a group email address. Contributions can be prose, poetry, drama scripts or whatever. Members may then send private feedback/comments to the writer. There is no obligation to write, or to comment, and the deadlines are flexible. In fact, we don't really like rules. We always treat each other with respect and try to keep to a 500 word limit so that we are not overwhelmed by having too much to read. Suggestions for topics are always welcome. The key is to have a go... use your imagination... and be creative! Fortnightly Other Surcharge £0.00

Croquet Group     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Pendle and Craven Croquet Club - map
Normally starts 00:00 to 15:30
Details The group provides friendly, social competition playing 'Golf Croquet' from the beginning of May to the end of September (weather permitting!). There is no need for previous experience. The rules of Golf Croquet are very straightforward and it is easy to pick up, so there is no problem in starting to play quickly. Instruction and guidance on how to play croquet will be given with the kind assistance of members of Pendle and Craven Golf Club. It is equally suitable for men and women. All equipment will be provided. Flat soled footwear is essential. There is a weekly fee of £2 in addition to the termly £10 venue fee. Weekly Summer 07/05/2025 - 17/09/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Crown Green Bowls Group 1     

Meets Friday
Venue Whinfield Bowling Club
Normally starts 11:30 to 14:00
Details Instruction and guidance on how to play Crown Green Bowls. Weekly Summer02/05/2025 - 12/09/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Crown Green Bowls Group 2     

Meets Friday
Venue Whinfield Bowling Club
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:30
Details Instruction and guidance on how to play Crown Green Bowls. Weekly Summer 02/05/2025 - 12/09/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Culture Vultures     

Meets varied
Details A WhatsApp group where members alert group about upcoming arts events We often arrange to travel together and meet for a convivial glass before hand!.WhatsApp group who agree trips to theatre, cinema, music, dance. live arts in local towns. This has proved very popular and enjoyable in 2023-4 Irregular All Year Surcharge £0.00

Days out with a bus pass     

Meets varied
Details The Bus Pass group organises, via Whatsapp, trips out to various interesting locations.Enjoy a day out with friends, without the hassle of having to drive and find somewhere to park. The group runs throughout the year on different days of the week Irregular All Year Surcharge £0.00


Meets varied
Details This group includes members with a wide range of experience and fitness who enjoy cycling. Routes and dates are negotiated, with communication via WhatsApp. Non-e-bike cyclists are most welcome to join us. Irregular All Year 01/09/2024 Surcharge £0.00

Film International on Tuesday     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Champions Church - map
Normally starts 00:00 to 16:00
Details This is a ten week course containing Films from around the world, with English sub-titles. There will be refreshments at 50p and a chance to meet other members. Join us for a wide variety of films from around the world. Most films are certified0 12 or PG. All have English sub-titles. Weekly Autumn 8/10/2024 - 10/12/2024 Surcharge £5.00

Film International on Tuesday     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Champions Church - map
Normally starts 00:00 to 16:00
Details This is a ten week course containing Films from around the world, with English sub-titles. There will be refreshments at 50p and a chance to meet other members. Join us for a wide variety of films from around the world. Most films are certified 12 or PG. All have English sub-titles. Spring 14/01/2025 - 18/03/2025 Weekly Surcharge £5.00

Films on Thursdays Autumn     

Meets Thursday
Venue Champions Church - map
Normally starts 00:00 to 16:00
Details Films on Thursday afternoons' with English sub-titles.Films on Thursday afternoons is a ten week, very welcoming, drop-in Film Club. Come when you can. In this autumn course most films are British with English sub-titles. There is time to meet people and make friends. New Members are welcome at any time. We are lucky to have the use of Champions Hall, Carleton Road, Skipton, which is comfortable, warm, and has good projection. These titles will give you a flavour of the course: The Courier. A Late Quartet. The Man Between. The Hundred Foot Journey. The Boy with the Topknot. The Post. Snow Falling on Cedars. The Grapes of Wrath. The Europeans. A Month in the Country. Do join us. Weekly Autumn 03/10/2024 - 12/12/2024 Surcharge £5.00

Films on Thursdays Spring     

Meets Thursday
Venue Champions Church - map
Normally starts 00:00 to 16:00
Details Films on Thursday afternoons in Spring 2025 all have English sub-titles. These titles will give you some idea of what is offered in this relaxed and friendly film club.The films this spring have been chosen by club members. An Affair to Remember. Breakfast at Tiffany's. 84 Charing Cross Road. Cider with Rosie. The Enchanted April. The Garden of the Finzi Contini, The River. Stella Days. The English Man Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain. The Heat of the Day. Weekly Spring 16/01/2025 - 27/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Floral Art     

Meets Thursday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Floral Art provides an opportunity to experiment with using flowers, foliage and natural materials to interpret titles. With an occasional class focused on traditional flower arranging techniques, most sessions encourage modern creativity and individuality. We are a supportive, friendly group with much sharing of ideas and materials. It is a practical class, sourcing your own flowers and containers and ‘having a go’, learning with and from each other. It is not a demonstration. No prior experience or knowledge is needed; the principal aim is to enjoy using flowers creatively. Fortnightly Autumn Spring12/09/2024 - 12/12/2024 09/01/2025 - 10/07/2025 Surcharge £5.00

French Advanced     

Meets Friday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details An opportunity to improve your knowledge and ability in French in a convivial atmosphere using contemporary sources. A reasonable existing level of spoken French is assumed, and needed, as authentic French texts and videos will be used. Weekly Autumn Spring11/10/2024 - 13/12/2024 10/01/2025 - 14/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

French Conversation     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Christ Church - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details An informal course for those already able to speak some French who want to improve their ability and confidence in the spoken word. Members have frequent opportunities to talk in small groups and may also present topics to the class. Modern texts and articles are studied to practice reading, revise grammar and stimulate discussion. Weekly Autumn Spring 01/10/2024 - 10/12/2024 14/01/2025 - 25/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

French resumed - basic level     

Meets Thursday
Venue Christ Church - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details We began learning French from scratch last year, so this year we will revise that material and then continue from where we left off. The emphasis is on spoken French, being equipped to understand what is said and speak confidently. You are welcome to join this relaxed group if you studied French a little in school decades ago! Weekly Autumn Spring 03/10/2024 - 12/12/2024 16/01/2025 - 27/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Gardening Group     

Meets varied
Details A social gardening group that share a love of gardening,. We share plants and gardening ideas. There are visits to formal gardens and also to member's gardens. We communicate by Whatsapp and email, and meet up as a big group two or three times a year Irregular All Year Surcharge £0.00

Geography Forum     

Meets Wednesday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Talks by members on Geography, History, People and Places. Weekly Autumn Spring 02/10/2024 - 11/12/2024 08/01/2025 - 19/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Geology Walks     

Meets Monday
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30
Details These morning walks take us through some fascinating geology of the Yorkshire Dales. We go to a local feature such as a hill, valley, quarry or mine. On our walk we look at landscape, rocks, fossils and minerals. Beginners and experts are all welcome, we are a friendly group and learn from each other. We meet at 10 am Monday fortnightly at the car parking at the start of the walk (sorry, but no dogs). The walks vary from 1 to 4 miles and may involve some scrambling. Before each walk I email out details, and you reply if you are coming. Fortnightly Autumn Spring30/09/2024 - 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 28/04/2025 Surcharge £0.00


Meets Tuesday
Venue St Andrews Church Primary Room
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details For those with a knowledge of German, an interest in improving oral skills, and reading a variety of newspaper/magazine articles from German speaking countries. Weekly Autumn Spring 08/10/2024 to 10/12/2024 07/01/2025 to 11/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

History of Art     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Embsay Village Hall Side Room - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details This course gives an overview of western art & architecture, in their historical context, from Bronze Age Greece to the Post Impressionists. It is a well established and popular course and return and new members are equally welcome! Weekly Autumn Spring 01/10/2024 - 10/12/2024 07/01/2025 - 18/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Improvisation classes - jazz a     

Meets Monday
Venue Embsay Village Hall Side Room - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details The course is an introduction to jazz and popular music improvisation. The aim is to be able to improvise around a melody and its chord sequence. It is jazz based but also includes other music styles.Any instrument would be would be suitable, but the player would need to have about 5 years’ experience, probably playing in a band or orchestra and have some practical knowledge of scales and arpeggios.The classes are aimed at both at beginners to improvisation and those with some experience/competency.The content would be a mix of theory, practical demonstration and individual session. The theory will cover the subjects of harmony and chord progressions.Including:•Major and minor scales, •Dominant 7th and Sustained chords•Diatonic and Pentatonic scales•Creating motives•Cycle of 5th•Jazz articulation•basic chord progression•playing from memory/by ear without music. The practical sessions will include pre-recorded backing tracks with written music scores.Later in the course. Fortnightly Autumn Other 16/09/2024 to 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 to 28/04/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Indoor Games     

Meets Monday
Venue Three Links Club - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details The Indoor games Group provides an opportunity for members to meet socially, during the dreek winter months, and to enjoy some FRIENDLY competition.The group meet weekly at The Three Links Club, where a wide range of games are available, including darts, dominoes, scrabble, draughts/chess, pool and various card and board games. Members are very welcome to bring in their own games to try out. We play purely for FUN - no prizes or trophies. Refreshments are available during the afternoon from the Club Bar. Weekly Autumn Spring07/10/2024 - 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 17/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Italian Continuation     

Meets Monday
Venue Quaker Meeting House
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This class is for students with a reasonable level of fluency whether obtained through study or visiting/living in Italy. We spend some time chatting in Italian. We do a listening exercise every week, and comprehension exercises that can be prepared at home. We cover a wide range of topics focussed mostly on Italy and things Italian. Occasionally we do some advanced grammar or translation. Weekly Autumn Spring07/10/2024 - 16/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 24/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Italian Beginners     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Quaker Meeting House
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This class this year (Autumn 2024) will be for complete beginners, although places will be reserved for those who persisted through last year and wish to re-enrol. They will help, as revision with the beginners, classes, but otherwise will be working separately as a group. Beginners is for complete beginners - we do very little grammar in the first year, but through repetition and role play, by the end of the year you will have acquired a basic 'get by' knowledge of the language to help you on a holiday in Italy. Anyone who is not a complete beginner may wish to join the smaller group who have a basic fluency and have done a limited amount of grammar. Weekly Autumn Spring09/10/2024 - 18/12/2024 15/01/2025 - 26/03/2025 Surcharge £15.00

Japan: A History in Five Talks     

Meets Wednesday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Like Britain. Japan is a heavily populated island, but at the far eastern extremity of the Eurasian landmass; and like us it takes great pride in its exceptionalism. Over the years I have given talks on Japan from mediaeval times to the present day. For this course I am combining four of these talks, adding one new one as well as creating supplementary material to ensure continuity over nearly six hundred years of history. Our story will begin with Japan’s first encounters with Europeans in the 16th century and will end, as it were, with a journey of the bullet train. Fortnightly Spring 08/01/2025 to 05/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Literary Lives     

Meets Monday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Illustrated talks on the lives of literary figures by Judith Barras, David Turner and guest presenters. Fortnightly Autumn Spring 07/10/2024 to 09/12/2024 06/01/2025 to 24/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Mah Jong     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets Thursday
Venue Princes Drive Community Centre - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Mah Jong is an old Chinese game based on three suites, winds and dragons. It stretches the mind, is competitive and satisfying, but needs concentration!! Weekly Autumn Spring 10/10/2024 to 12/12/2024 09/01/2025 to 13/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Motorcycle group     

Meets NULL
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 10:00 to 00:00
Details We are a group of motorcyclists who enjoy a ride out and a chat. All are welcome. We combine scheduled rides from March to early October , which are usually on Monday or Friday a couple of times a month with ad hoc rides at any time of year when the weather looks good and the urge to roam takes hold. We usually start at Morrisons in Skipton at 10:00am. We run the group via WhatsApp. Contact Harry Taylor at if you want to be included in the WhatsApp group.

Music For Fun     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Trinity Methodist Church - map
Normally starts 10:30 to 12:15
Details This course is purely for the enjoyment of singing and\or playing music. We are not a choir and no perceived ability to do either is required. If you only sing in the shower that's fine. ! Everyone welcome. We don't provide music but words and chords are projected onto the wall. We sing and accompany a very wide variety of songs old and new , including folk and sea shanties classic pop American song book jazz etc. We would like it to be a proactive group where members feel relaxed enough to request songs and \or lead them if they wish and make suggestions. Otherwise the course leaders will choose around a dozen songs each. We have a coffee break when members are encouraged to socialise. Weekly Autumn Spring 01/10/2024 to 10/12/2024 07/01/2025 to 18/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Nature Rambles     

Meets varied
Details Occasional short walks to see, identify and discuss the flora and fauna that are at our feet and our fingertips. No expertise required. WhatsApp group also to share pictures and obeservations between arranged walks. Monthly All Year Surcharge £0.00

Politics Discussion Group     

Meets Thursday
Venue Swadford Centre Assembly Room
Normally starts 13:00 to 15:00
Details The Politics discussion group meets weekly to discuss current political events as well as to consider ongoing issues, the underlying background to political decisions and the processes of government (in the UK and elsewhere) in general. Group members will bring to bear their wide-ranging experience(s), reading and viewing to try to get a better understanding of what’s going on and where it might lead. Occasionally one of the group may offer a more formal input to inform and focus our discussions. The group is not intended to be a forum for political knock-about from entrenched positions, (although members will clearly have, and express, their own views), but rather an educational experience from which we emerge having learned something new or questioning our previous assumptions. Weekly Autumn Spring26/09/2024 - 05/12/2024 Surcharge £5.00

Popular Music 1920-70     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Three Links Club - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Over the past decade, we have listened to hundreds of records by singers, big bands, instrumentalists, etc,- from Bing to Barbra, via Benny, Beatles and Bacharach! This time, we are looking at the composers and their work,- George Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein, etc,- not only the writers of their music but the lyric writers of their songs. We shall hear the work of over 25 composers, by listening to approx 25 songs each week, as we follow "AN ALPHABET OF MODERN COMPOSERS" Everyone will remember the songs which our parents and ourselves have enjoyed over the years, and as our members will agree,-"Nostalgia is high in our choice of music". The entire six months will include delightful refreshments, good company and enjoyable music. We promise members, old and new a good time each week! Weekly Autumn Spring 08/10/2024 - 10/12/2024 07/01/2025 - 11/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Positive Progress: the Case fo     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Soroptimist International - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details A follow-up to the 2021 course, to see where we have got to on restoring the health of the soil and dealing with climate change. We will look at economic and political aspects of the climate problem, as well as looking at all the positive action being taken by businesses, farmers, individuals and communities round the world to combat the effects and pursue a more nature-friendly course, despite the u-turns by governments and politicians on all sides. This means we will also cover issues like immigration, regenerative farming, behaviour change and restoring natural habitats. There will be plenty of opportunity for debate on the way forward. Weekly Spring 15/01/2025 - 19/02/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Pottery Collective     

Meets Wednesday
Normally starts 11:30 to 14:00
Details I've recently started a new hobby - Ceramics. We would like to meet up weekly and share/learn together. I have a wheel, a kiln and some space. Members would have to pay for materials. Weekly Autumn Spring02/10/2024 - 04/12/2024 Surcharge £0.00


Meets Wednesday
Venue Christ Church - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Sewing is a wonderfully extensive skill that can be applied to small and large, simple and complicated projects. Items to use daily or pieces to give as presents. The Quilting Group embrace all aspects of sewing. Everyone can sew, you just require a vision of the finished project and the determination to complete it.If you enjoy sewing or want to learn to sew then come along and join our group. We are interested in all the different aspects of using fabric and thread. Bring your own work, or a basic kit and some fabric if you want to learn something new. I have ideas for simple starter projects.Everyone welcome, from experienced sewers to novices. We can all teach each other what we know and ask for help with what we don't know.We meet in Christ Church Hall, a large room with plenty of ventilation. Sessions are on Wednesdays 10am to 12am. Tea, coffee and biscuits available. Weekly Autumn Spring 02/10/2024 to 11/12/2024 08/01/2025 to 19/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00


Meets Monday
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 08:50 to 10:50
Details Played on 4 squash courts as per UK Racketball rules. Clothing as for indoor sports with non-marking shoes. A reasonable level of fitness is required.Game details: singles. 2 games played to 11 points with 2 points clear. Players will rotate between all 4 courts depending on numbers and availability. Short waits may happen at busy times.Court fees: £4 per session payable by bank transfer. No further fees will apply. Weekly All Year 02/09/2024 Surcharge £0.00

Railway Studies     

Meets Friday
Venue Swadford Centre Assembly Room
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details The programme consists of talks on a wide variety of railway and related topics including trams and tramways. These range from the historic to the present day railway with the emphasis on Britain's railways, but with overseas railways also featuring. Most talks feature Powerpoint presentations. Speakers are drawn from the ranks of the group membership, as well as some dozen Guest Speakers, some well known in the railway industry. Weekly Autumn Spring 27/09/2024 to 13/12/2024 10/01/2025 to 11/04/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Recorder Continuers     

Meets Monday
Venue St Andrews Church Primary Room
Normally starts 15:00 to 17:00
Details We are an informal, supportive, self-help group (no tutor) and members have a varied amount of musical knowledge. We play all sorts of 2, 3, and 4 part music. Ideally you should have some previous basic experience, but if in doubt please contact me to check standard needed. Requirements: Recorder and portable music stand. Additional costs to members -Allow £10 for music Weekly Autumn Spring 30/09/2024 to 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 to 24/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Recorder Ensemble     

Meets Monday
Venue St Andrews Church Primary Room
Normally starts 13:30 to 14:30
Details Four or five part music will be played on, descant, treble, tenor and bass recorders, from different genre. It is an asset if members can play more than one instrument. The group usually plays at the u3a carol service in one of the Skipton churches. Requirements: Recorders and portable music stand Weekly Autumn Spring 30/09/2024 - 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 24/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Renaissance Gardens and Ovid     

Meets Monday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details A journey through gardens, poetry and myth. Many of the famous gardens of the Italian Renaissance draw their design and imagery from the work of the lively Classical Roman poet Ovid. We will look at these fine gardens, and others round Europe; exploring the ideas behind their creation; learning about Ovid, and Renaissance culture, along the way. No prior knowledge of Latin required. Just bring your interest and curiosity, as we explore many corners of literature, hidden history and lost gardens.[Please note that this course runs every two weeks, alternating on Monday afternoons with LIterary Lives] Fortnightly Autumn Spring 30/09/2024 to 02/12/2024 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Safety on the Web     

Meets Friday
Venue Zoom
Normally starts 10:30 to 12:30
Details The web trades on Ignorance. Come on this course to find out how to be safer Irregular Autumn 18/10/2024 - 01/11/2024 Surcharge £0.00

Science and Technology Discuss     

Meets Monday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 10:15 to 12:15
Details Discussion of current scientific topics that are of special interest to group members. If members have expertise in a particular area the group would welcome a presentation. The group distributes discussion documents via their website: so familiarity with internet technology would be an advantage. Meetings are held in a hybrid in-person/Zoom format. We will have the internet and a large screen at the venue so that participants and articles can be display to all. Weekly Autumn Spring 30/09/2024 to 09/12/2024 06/01/2025 to 17/03/2025 Surcharge £15.00

Shorty Walks     

Meets Monday
Details Walks of 2 - 5 miles for those who prefer gentler exercise in a social context. Walks are offered and led by group members. Our programme includes walks in the Dales town trails canals and anything else any member wishes to offer! The information about each walk is emailed monthly with a reminder a few days before each walk. This includes date, time meeting place transport options walk length stiles and a general description of the terrain. All walks are at members’ own risk. Fortnightly All Year Surcharge £0.00

Singing Madrigals     

Meets Wednesday
Venue St Andrews Church Primary Room
Normally starts 10:30 to 12:30
Details In this course we shall get together to sing examples of English madrigals and other simple part songs. Singing in parts is a group activity where we support each other and is good for both body and mind. Enthusiasm and a willingness to try will be more important than musical experience, although some knowledge of musical notation will help. Weekly Autumn 09/10/2024 to 11/12/2024 Surcharge £15.00

Solo Latin Dance     

Meets Friday
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 12:45 to 13:45
Details Latin Dance: no partner or experience required Dancing is great for well-being, toning, muscle and bone strength. A trained dance teacher, I find dancing solo popular. We will have music to dance to and do some cha cha, samba, rumba, jive, salsa and paso doble - Comfortable clothing/ footwear are essential: + water and enthusiasm! Weekly Autumn Spring 04/10/2024 - 06/12/2024 17/01/2025 - 28/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Stories of Scientists     

Meets Wednesday
Venue Carleton-in-Craven Village Hall - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Stories of Scientists their background and discoveries.10-weeks with a break for half term holidays Weekly Spring 08/01/2025 to 19/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Stretching / Movement     

Meets Wednesday
Venue St Andrews Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 11:00
Details Seated exercise for posture and flexibility. Some standing positions to help with balance and strength. Please bring a bottle of water and wear comfortable clothing and soft shoes. Weekly Autumn Spring 09/10/2024 to 11/12/2024 08/01/2025 to 2/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Stretching / Yoga     

Meets Monday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 11:00
Details Exercise for flexibility, core strength and balance. You should be able to sit down on your heels and do a shoulder stand to perform the exercises correctly.A mat is preferable for floor positions. Please bring a bottle of water and wear comfortable clothing. Weekly Autumn Spring 07/10/2024 to 09/12/2024 06/01/2025 to 10/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Sunday Lunch Club     

Meets Sunday
Normally starts 12:00 to 00:00
Details Whats App group who agree monthly Sunday Lunch Club venues This year it has proved very popular and enjoyable with members taking it in turns to propose and then book venues. Car sharing has helped Monthly All Year Surcharge £0.00

Table Tennis     

Meets Friday
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Have fun and improve your fitness and coordination at the same time. Beginners welcome. Weekly Autumn Spring 04/10/2024 to 06/12/2024 10/01/2025 to 14/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Ten Pin Bowling     

Meets Monday
Venue Matrix Superbowl - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details We play 2 games of bowling. No experience required. £4/5 per week.The session starts at 2 pm and lasts approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. This is friendly bowling no experience required. Weekly Autumn Spring 09/09/2024 - 09/12/2024 13/01/2025 - 31/03/2025 Surcharge £0.00

The Hearing Loss Network     

Meets Variable
Details For people with misbehaving ears. This is less of a group and more of a grapevine for all things hearing loss. Swapping information about venues it’s hard to hear in? Know which places have a hearing loop and how it works? News of captioned cinema and theatre performances? Perhaps an occasional speaker on a hearing loss-related topic? If your ears frustrate you please sign up. No strings attached other than receiving an occasional email. Irregular Autumn Spring Surcharge £0.00

The Story Behind the Song     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Group Leader's Home
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This year we’ll be looking at protest and work songs, the early folk song collectors, songs from the 18th century and songs inspired by Shakespeare. The people who wrote them and the stories behind them. Fortnightly Spring 14/01/2025 to 11/03/2025 Surcharge £0.00


Meets Tuesday
Venue Swadford Centre Assembly Room
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Ten speakers, ten topics. Industrialists, campaigners, artists, a writer - anything and everything Victorian. From Wilkie Collins to Isambard Kingdom Brunel, from the Corn Laws to the Pre-Raphaelites. Weekly Spring 14/01/2025 - 25/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Vivaldi: His Life and Music     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Skipton Little Theatre
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details The story of Antonio Vivaldi and his music. Known of course for his “Four Seasons”, he composed several hundred concertos, as well as large amounts of church music, several serenatas and at least 49 operas. He achieved dizzying fame, yet died in poverty and was essentially forgotten for 200 years. Weekly Spring 14/01/2025 to 25/03/2025 Surcharge £5.00

Walk to Lunch     

Meets Thursday
Normally starts 10:00 to 00:00
Details We offer morning walks of up to 5 miles followed by a pub/café lunch. Please note that a regular commitment to walks is required and pre-booking for walks/lunches is essential. Members must be fit to walk at a good pace and manage hills and stiles. Meeting points and pub menus are circulated by email a week before each walk. You’ll need boots, waterproofs, email access and (sometimes) a sense of adventure !! Fortnightly All Year 10/10/2024 Surcharge £0.00

Walking Group     

Meets Tuesday Thursday
Details Walks of varying difficulty between 6 and 12 miles every Tuesday and Thursday. Occasional residential walking breaks Weekly All Year Surcharge £0.00

Walking Netball     

Meets Tuesday
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 11:30 to 12:00
Details To introduce ex-players to a sport they have always loved or to engage adults in a sport they didn’t realise they could enjoy. We will develop netball skills at a slower pace for everyone to increase physical and social health; open to everyone; there is a health questionnaire for participants to assess themselves, anyone unsure if they are fit to participate should speak to someone at their GP practice . Weekly Autumn Spring 01/10/2024 to 10/12/2024 14/01/2025 to 25/03/2025 Surcharge £10.00

Wharfedale Walking     

Meets Saturday
Normally starts 10:00 to 00:00
Details A friendly way to walk, for reasonably good walkers, at an easy pace up and down the dales. Walks are on Saturdays, weather permitting and mainly in Wharfedale. We meet at the start of the walk at 10.00. We like to stop from time to time to take in the scenery and anything else of interest during the walk. You should have appropriate clothing, boots, drink and a picnic lunch. Typically, walks will be between 5 and 8 miles. (Sorry but no dogs). A few days before each Saturday walk a description of the walk is sent by e-mail, and you reply if you can come. New walkers are welcome to join at any time. Occasional walks during the Summer Weekly Autumn Spring Surcharge £0.00

Woodturning 1     

Meets Monday
Venue Group Leader's Home
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details A mixed ability class. Beginners will be taught basic techniques. Returners will undertake more ambitious projects. N.B. This course involves moving machinery and sharp tools, so there are health and safety issues, which will be taught. There will be some exposure to dust, so it may not be advisable for those with breathing difficulties. Physical strength is not required, so it is suitable for both sexes. Persons with health problems such as postural hypotension MUST inform the Group Leader. Additional cost <£5 for cost of materials, wood Weekly Autumn Spring 30/09/2024 to 09/12/2024 06/01/2025 to 14/04/2025 Surcharge £0.00

Woodturning 2     

Meets Monday
Venue Group Leader's Home
Normally starts 15:00 to 17:00
Details A mixed ability class. Beginners will be taught basic techniques. Returners will undertake more ambitious projects. N.B. This course involves moving machinery and sharp tools, so there are health and safety issues, which will be taught. There will be some exposure to dust, so it may not be advisable for those with breathing difficulties. Physical strength is not required, so it is suitable for both sexes. Persons with health problems such as postural hypotension MUST inform the Group Leader. Additional cost <£5 for cost of materials, wood Weekly Autumn Spring 30/09/2024 to 09/12/2024 06/01/2025 to 14/04/2025 Surcharge £0.00

Woodturning in Summer     

Meets Monday
Venue Carleton Woodturning
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This group will be held in a woodturning club in Carleton. There will be 10 sessions in which I will do a demonstration of a project and the leave it to the group to make the piece themselves. This course is more suited to those with a bit of experience in woodturning but will not be too challenging. NB the premises to be used involve rough terrrain in the approach and a steep staircase. There are no toilet or kitchen facilities so members must bring their own refreshments. Fortnightly Summer 02/06/2025 to 01/09/2025 Surcharge £20.00

Z Ad Hoc Walking     

Meets Anytime - all year
Venue Various Outdoor
Details Based in Skipton the Ad Hoc Walking group has no programme; walks are proposed by group members at short notice taking advantage of good weather. Any group member can propose a walk anytime, anywhere, any length. The proposer can set the maximum group size. Groups are usually small (historical maximum: 18, average: 6). On joining the group, you will be sent the latest guidelines.

Z Aerobic/Strength/Fitness     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets Wednesday 2.00 pm
Venue Sandylands Sports Centre - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 15:00
Details The course is aimed at improving overall body fitness levels. Activities include some upper body strength training as well as the generally accepted aerobics workouts,resistance training incorporating light weights and use of gym equipment,Numbers are limited so Members should be prepared to do press-ups squats lunges and be able to sustain some high intensity aerobic exercise (HIIT). Suitable clothing essential & towels required for cool down. Please bring water and check with your doctor that HIIT is OK for you as heart rates will be elevated. Subject Details

Z Allotment     

Meets Group meeting Sunday morning. All year 10 am
Venue Allotment
Normally starts 09:30 to 00:00
Details The group meets together at 10.00 on Sunday morning to work on two allotments exclusive to u3a and a third communal plot on which we have a dedicated space. During the summer we work on the plots more frequently and have a watering rota.

Z Byzantium - Bright Star     

  Note that Z Byzantium - Bright Star is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Wednesday
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details The great Christian empire of Byzantium (330-1453) is both the successor and continuation of the Roman Empire. Spanning Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Byzantium has been undeservedly neglected. Now is your chance to become familiar with its tumultuous history. Nigel keeps the narrative going. Jane reveals its glorious artistic and architectural achievements.

Z Croquet     

Meets Wednesday 13:30 to 15:30
Venue Pendle and Craven Croquet Club - map
Normally starts 13:30 to 15:30
Details The group provides friendly, social competition playing 'Golf Croquet' from the beginning of May to the end of September (weather permitting!). There is no need for previous experience. The rules of Golf Croquet are very straightforward and it is easy to pick up, so there is no problem in starting to play quickly. Instruction and guidance on how to play croquet will be given with the kind assistance of members of Pendle and Craven Golf Club. It is equally suitable for men and women. All equipment will be provided. Flat soled footwear is essential. Weekly fee for playing will be confirmed by Group Leader.

Z Crown Green Bowls (Group 1)     

Meets Friday 11:30
Venue Whinfield Bowling Club
Normally starts 11:30 to 14:00
Details Instruction and guidance on how to play Crown Green Bowls.

Z Crown Green Bowls (Group 2)     

  Note that Z Crown Green Bowls (Group 2) is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Friday 14:00
Venue Whinfield Bowling Club
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:30
Details Instruction and guidance on how to play Crown Green Bowls.

Z E-Bikers     

Meets Variable
Venue Coach St car park
Normally starts 10:00 to 15:30

Z Exploring the Countryside     

Meets Tuesdays monthly in summer
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 10:00 to 13:00
Details This is a series of summer walks in the Skipton area. Each month we have an informally guided walk in the Craven countryside or village in the Yorkshire Dales. The walk may take about two hours, and may involve a cafe or picnic. Each walk will be organised by a member of the group who will circulate beforehand by email some background information about the place and its history. We will lead the first trip, to Linton, then rely on other volunteers. No dogs, please. We try to use public transport where possible.

Z French Advanced     

  Note that Z French Advanced is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Friday 10 am
Venue St Stephens Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details An opportunity to improve your knowledge and ability in French in a convivial atmosphere using contemporary sources. A reasonable existing level of spoken French is assumed, and needed, as authentic French texts and videos will be used.

Z French Conversation     

  Note that Z French Conversation is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Tuesday 10 am
Venue Christ Church Annexe - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details This course is ideally suited to people already able to speak some French and who want to improve their ability and confidence in the spoken word. The class is often split into small groups to discuss topics and also to present a piece to class on a chosen subject. Modern texts and articles are used for reading aloud and to stimulate discussion. Grammar and the written word are also covered.

Z Gardening Group     

Meets Irregular
Details This is a group for members who enjoy gardening. Spending time in the garden amongst the flowers and wildlife can be a joy. You do not have to have a garden to join the group. Why not share your garden with others? This a social group of members who get together and enjoy chatting about plants and also get ideas for their own gardens. We share plants and seeds and have a whatsapp group to communicate with each other , as well as email. We visit each others gardens and enjoy the hospitality provided by our hosts for a couple of hours. More often than not enjoying tea and cake while we chat about the garden. We also run small group trips to RHS gardens and other formal gardens. You do not need to be a ‘Monty Don’ . We are all learning gardening by trial and error! It’s a really great way to meet people and make new friends Key word- Do you enjoy your Garden, Make new friends with similar love of gardening, Share your gardening ideas and knowledge, Spend a lovely summer morning or afternoon in a member’s garden, enjoying the hospitality of the owner Enjoy small group visits to RHS gardens and more formal gardens

Z Geology Walks     

Meets Monday 10 am Fortnighly
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details These morning walks take us through the fascinating geology of Craven.. We go to a local feature, such as a hill, river, quarry or mine. On our walk we look at fossils, rocks and minerals, and see the geology around Skipton and the Yorkshire Dales. Each walk is informally guided by me, and I email out a description a few days beforehand, and you reply if you can come. Beginners and experts are all welcome, we are a friendly group and learn from each other. We meet at 10 am Monday fortnightly at the car parking at the start of the walk (sorry,no dogs). The walks vary from 1 to 4 miles and may involve some scrambling.

Z Indoor Games     

Meets Monday 2 pm
Venue Three Links Club - map
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details The group provides an opportunity for members to meet socially during the dreek winter months and to enjoy some FRIENDLY competition. The Venue provides full facilities for darts dominos and pool. Members also have access to a wide range of board and card games including scrabble chess/draughts monopoly canasta whist and bridge. Members are very welcome to bring along their own games to try out. Refreshments are available for purchase from the Lounge Bar during the afternoon.

Z Motorcycle Group     

Meets Any Day
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 10:00 to 00:00
Details We are a group of motorcyclists who enjoy a ride out and a chat. All are welcome. We combine scheduled rides from March to early October , which are usually on Monday or Friday a couple of times a month with ad hoc rides at any time of year when the weather looks good and the urge to roam takes hold. We usually start at Morrisons in Skipton at 10:00am. We run the group via WhatsApp. Contact Harry Taylor at if you want to be included in the WhatsApp group.

Z Nature Rambles     

  Note that Z Nature Rambles is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Irregular
Venue Various Outdoor
Details Nature study and observation in the broader local Skipton area. Occasional short walks in locations chosen by group members for guided observation of plants, insects, and other fauna in readily accessible situations. Walks will be weather dependent and notified to group members via email and WhatsApp. There may be very short notice (24-48 hours).

Z Politics Discussion Group     

  Note that Z Politics Discussion Group is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Thursday weekly
Normally starts 13:00 to 15:00
Details Ongoing whose members discuss a wide range of contemporary events. Prior knowledge of political and govt structures is important.

Z Railway Group     

Meets Friday 10 am
Venue Swadford Centre - map
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Talks on a wide variety of Railway and related topics from historical to modern mainly British but some foreign content included. The talks are given by a mix of group members and guests - some from the railway industry.

Z Shorty Walks     

Meets Monday fortnighly
Venue Various Outdoor
Details Walks of 2 - 5 miles for those who prefer gentler exercise in a social context. Walks are offered and led by group members. Our programme includes walks in the Dales, town trails, canals and anything else any member wishes to offer! The information about each walk is emailed monthly with a reminder a few days before each walk. This includes date, time, meeting place, transport options, walk length, stiles and a general description of the terrain. All walks are at members’ own risk.

Z Stretching/Movement     

  Note that Z Stretching/Movement is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Monday 11:15
Venue St Andrews Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 11:15 to 12:15
Details Gentle exercise to improve flexibility posture and balance. Some standing, but mostly chair exercise. Please wear comfortable clothing and soft shoes and bring a bottle of water.

Z Stretching/Yoga     

  Note that Z Stretching/Yoga is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Monday 9.45 am
Venue St Andrews Church Hall Skipton - map
Normally starts 09:45 to 10:45
Details Exercise to improve flexibility posture and balance. You should be able to do shoulder stands and sit down on your heels, Floor work is a crucial part of the class. Please bring a mat and bottle of water and wear comfortable clothing and soft shoes

Z Sunday Lunch Club     

  Note that Z Sunday Lunch Club is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Sunday Monthly
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 12:00 to 00:00
Details Whats App group who agree monthly Sunday Lunch Club venues

Z Walk to Lunch     

  Note that Z Walk to Lunch is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

Meets Thursdays fortnightly 10.00 start
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 10:00 to 00:00
Details We offer morning walks of up to 5 miles followed by a pub/café lunch. Please note that a regular commitment to walks is required and pre-booking for walks/lunches is essential. Members must be fit to walk at a good pace and manage hills and stiles. Meeting points and pub menus are circulated by email a week before each walk. You’ll need boots waterproofs and (sometimes) a sense of adventure !! Joint leaders Jenny Robinson and Brigida Martino

Z Walking Group     

Meets Tuesday/Thursday all year No extra charge
Venue Various Outdoor
Details Looking for a Walking Club in and around Skipton?. We offer walk in the Yorkshire Dales, Lake District and Yorkshire Moors throughout the year based from Skipton. We offer a sequence of short (5-7 miles), medium (8-9 miles) and long (10+ miles) with various degrees of difficulty. We plan to meet in Coach Street Car Park, to arrange shared transport. The times will vary and are stated in the Walks Programme. Suitable clothing, footwear, drinks and packed lunches are essential. Join us to meet new friends, walk in the glorious setting of the Yorkshire Dales and Moors together with walks in the Lake District National Park. All walks are at the members’ own risk. Sorry no dogs. Walk Programmes are distributed by email. If you do not have email, please phone Phillip Sugden to get a hard copy of the programme.

Z Wharfedale Walking     

Meets Saturday 10 am
Venue Various Outdoor
Normally starts 10:00 to 00:00
Details A friendly way to walk, for reasonably good walkers, at an easy pace up and down the dales. Walks are on Saturdays, weather permitting and mainly in Wharfedale. We meet at the start of the walk at 10.00.We like to stop from time to time to take in the scenery and anything else of interest during the walk. You should have appropriate clothing boots drink and a picnic lunch. Typically, walks will be between 5 and 8 miles. (Sorry but no dogs). A few days before each Saturday walk a detailed description of the walk is sent by e-mail, and you reply if you can come. New walkers are welcome to join at any time. Occasional walks during the Summer

Z Woodturning in Summer     

  We regret that this group is full.
Meets Monday 2 pm Alternate weeks June - Sept
Venue Carleton Woodturning
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This group will be held in a woodturning club in Carleton. There will be 10 sessions in which I will do a demonstration of a project and the leave it to the group to make the piece themselves. This course is more suited to those with a bit of experience in woodturning but will not be too challenging. NB the premises to be used involve rough terrrain in the approach and a steep staircase. There are no toilet or kitchen facilities so members must bring their own refreshments.£20.00/term