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Brighton & Hove u3a Groups

Afternoon Tea Group     

When monthly
Venue Various locations in the City
Normally meets 14:30 to 16:30
Information Afternoon tea, in cafés across the City, all easily accessible by public transport. There is a choice of two dates each month, each meeting will be limited in numbers dependent on the size of the café. Most cafés chosen can accommodate up to 12 people.

Art Appreciation A     

When Friday - Fortnightly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:00 to 14:30
Information The Art Appreciation Group holds lively discussions about artists and exhibitions that are currently showing in London and the Sussex area, making use of videos and other online resources.

Art Appreciation B     

When Friday - Fortnightly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:00
Information The Art Appreciation Group holds lively discussions about artists and exhibitions that are currently showing in London and the Sussex area, making use of videos and other online resources.

Art Club     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Tuesday- weekly
Venue Unitarian Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:30
Information All are welcome to try their hand at art, whether you are an absolute beginner or a completely competent artist. It is not a course so just come along as you want.


When Monday - Weekly
Venue King Alfred Leisure Centre
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:00
Information Four courts are available for badminton players of all levels, including those who may be a bit rusty but preferably not for beginners. You will need your own racquet. There is a £20 per year surcharge for this group.

Book to Film Noir     

When Tuesday - monthly, last of the month
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 12:30 to 15:00
Information Generally within the Film Noir genre, individual books that have been adapted for the screen. The screening will be followed by a discussion on the Director’s interpretation. Suggestions of films welcome!!

Books and Beyond     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday - 4th Monday of the month
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 14:30 to 16:00
Information Discussion centres on the political, historical and social context of a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books, their characterisation and narrative style.


When Monday - Weekly
Venue The Sussex
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:30
Information A group aimed at those with at least one year’s experience of basic ACOL bidding and play to include Stayman and Transfer Protocols, meeting in a social setting to enjoy playing and improving their bridge play.

Built Environment     

When Wednesday - Monthly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information Members of the Group present talks on architects and architectural styles – from Ancient sites to modern concepts and materials. Group is also available by Zoom.

Canasta Club     

When Tuesday - Fortnightly
Venue Fitz Regent
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information The Canasta Club has been meeting fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons since last May at the FitzRegent pub on Castle Square. A number of us take advantage of the small lunch menu which is available from 12 noon. You don't need to know how to play as our welcoming group is there to help and see you through the rules. We cater for all levels of competence. If you are interested in joining us, do get in touch with Michael.

Chair Yoga     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Thursday - Weekly
Venue Unitarian Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:15 to 15:45
Information A number of straight- forward yoga exercises for those who need to strengthen and/or loosen a range of muscles.

Classic Cars     

When Wednesday - Monthly
Venue Fitz Regent
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:00
Information A new group meeting informally and supporting local classic car events.

Classical Art & Architecture     

When Tuesday - Monthly, 3rd Tuesday of the month
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information This course will look at predominantly free-standing sculpture, architectural sculpture and vase-painting produced during the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods of Greece, and to artworks from Republican and Imperial Rome.  We will work in a reasonably in-depth yet relaxed way, at our own pace, with the emphasis on beholding beautiful objects and being filled with joy at the sight of them (Plotinus).   The architecture of temples, houses and public spaces of agora/forum will also be considered as they are of interest in and of themselves, and often provided the context of display for works of art in the Ancient World.   Each monthly session will start with a 30 – 45 minute well-illustrated presentation on the period or style being studied, with opportunities for participants to interact with the speaker with questions or comments during or after the talk.  This will also include a 5 – 10 minute ‘Special Focus’ on a relevant topic of science, technology or engineering, such as carving marble, lost wax casting or ancient cranes.   Following any discussion raised by the presentation and members’ contributions, there will be a 15 minute Mosaic Moment for the artistic appreciation of an ancient mosaic, Greek or Roman, not necessarily related to the main theme of the day.   Participants will be encouraged to contribute their own thoughts, ideas and opinions as critical appreciation or regarding cultural background and/or significance on artworks studied.  Pointers for individual research at home will be offered at the end of each session for those who wish, which could act as something to share with the group in the next month’s session.   Visits to London or Cambridge museums could be used to extend and develop learning about, and enjoyment of, ancient works of art, if participants so wished.

Creative Writing     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Friday - Monthly on 4th Friday
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Peel Room
Normally meets 11:00 to 13:00
Information This will be a small group for those interested in writing ‘substantial’ pieces of creative written work: novels or novellas, although shorter works such as short stories will be covered. At each meeting, we will discuss some aspect of the writing process and reinforce it with exercises. Participants, who need no previous skill level, would review each other’s submissions.

Crime Fiction     

When Thursday -- last Thursday of month
Venue Fitz Regent
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:00
Information A monthly discussion of a set crime novel: During good weather, the group is held at Pavilion Cafe

Cryptic Crosswords     

When Thursday - Fortnightly
Venue Rust Cafe - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:00
Information This group is intended for people who already enjoy cryptic crosswords and involves the even greater pleasure of doing them in small groups.

Discussion Group     

When Tuesday - Weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:00
Information Each week a volunteer from the group leads a discussion a huge variety of subjects followed by an informal exchange of views.

Drawing Class     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday, weekly
Venue Unitarian Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:30
Information No previous experience necessary. Please bring a range of pencils, B to 5B and an A3 drawing pad.

Film Group Afternoons     

When Wednesday , first wednesday of month
Venue FreedomWorks Deckchair room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information A monthly meeting for cinema fans to discuss films suggested by the group. Even if you haven’t managed to watch a film, you are welcome to come along to the meeting.

Film Group Evenings     

When Tuesday - first Tuesday of the month
Venue Fitz Regent
Normally meets 18:00 to 19:30
Information Members, individually, or in small pre-arranged groups, go to current screenings of films at the cinema or watch releases on various streaming platforms. We then meet monthly to discuss and critique films seen,

French Conversation - Brighton     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Friday weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:00
Information Ideal for members who wish to brush up their French in order to take part in more complex conversations.

French Conversation Hove     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Tuesday, weekly
Venue Cornerstone - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 15:30 to 17:00
Information This group aims to improve French conversational skills and the ability to listen to and be understood by native French speakers.

French Culture & Conversation     

When Friday Weekly
Venue Cornerstone - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information For those who are comfortable speaking French but are not necessarily fluent. The emphasis will be on spoken French on topics suggested by members, with grammar input from time to time.

French Discussion 2     

When Thursday - fortnightly
Venue Mon Cafe, Hove - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 15:15 to 16:45
Information The group meets fortnightly for a relaxed discussion in French. This is for members with a confident level of fluency and an interest in sharing and developing their cultural knowledge of France and French-speaking countries.

French Improvers     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday - weekly
Venue Cornerstone - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:00
Information This friendly and welcoming group is suitable for anyone with at least a basic knowledge of French who would like to improve their ability to understand and communicate in the language. We use a variety of podcasts, videos and texts, and provide opportunities for conversation and discussion; although there is some teaching and revision of key language structures, our approach is primarily collaborative and can be adapted to the needs of participants.

Geography 2     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday - 2nd Wednesday of the month
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 16:45 to 17:45
Information Geography is essentially a study of the Earth: its atmosphere, its surface….and what lies beneath. It has different branches, such as biogeography and political geography, and many of these will be explored.

Geography 3     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday - Third Wednesday of the Month
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 16:45 to 17:45
Information Geography is essentially a study of the Earth: its atmosphere, its surface….and what lies beneath. It has different branches, such as biogeography and political geography, and many of these will be explored.

German Improvers     

When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Cornerstone - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 13:45 to 14:45
Information German Improvers machen Fortschritte, obwohl im gemächlichen Tempo. Teilnehmer werden gezwungen, einem Kursbuch und den Abstechern des Lehrers zu folgen. Aber Sinn der Sache ist, dass man Spaß dabei hat!

German Advanced     

When Thursday - Weekly
Venue Cornerstone - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:00
Information Wir sind eine Gruppe für diejenigen, die schon einige Deutschkenntnisse besitzen, auch wenn mit einer dünnen Schicht Rost bedeckt. Hauptsache ist, dass man Interesse an der deutschsprachigen Kultur hat und dass man weiterlernen will.

German Beginners     

When Monday - weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Peel Room
Normally meets 15:15 to 16:15
Information This is part two of a class which started in September 2023. New learners with some German or who are willing to work hard to catch up are welcome to join. We are half-way through the textbook Willkommen 1. This is a fun, interactive course with plenty of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice (plus some grammar and some singing!). Do come along, have fun and improve your German NO LESSONS 20 APRIL - 11 MAY OR 26 MAY 2025

Green Conversation     

When Monday - 4 weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 14:30 to 16:00
Information A chance for members to share their thoughts about environmental issues and climate change. We inspire conversation with presentations by group members on various topics. We also organise outings to places of interest from time to time. This group will no longer be available on Zoom, due to too many technical difficulties.

Guitar Advanced     

When Wednesday Weekly
Venue St Mary's Church, Kemptown, Large Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:45 to 11:30
Information This group is for people who have been playing for at least a couple of years, have a good knowledge of chords and can read and play guitar pieces of moderate difficulty.

Guitar Improvers     

When Wednesday Weekly
Venue St Mary's Church, Kemptown, Large Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 10:40
Information This group is for those who are not complete beginners but who are able to strum a few simple chords and can read and play simple tunes. These sessions will aim to improve playing ability and extend repertoires.

History Of Hove     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday - monthly
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information A monthly group for people interested in learning more about the Hove’s history. A mutual learning opportunity with members pursuing and sharing their own particular interests in Hove’s history. Please note members have to sign up for each session and numbers are restricted to 25

History Walks - A     

  We regret that this group is full.
When various days - Six weekly
Venue Outdoors
Normally meets 11:00 to 13:00
Information Join Peter on guided tours of up to two hours in which we discover the story of Brighton & Hove’s historical development and the people and places which were part of that story. Other local towns may also be visited. Walks are every 6 weeks, dates will be advised to members.

History Walks - B     

When Thursday - Monthly on the 2nd Thursday.
Venue Outdoors
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:30
Information Stephen’s walks will explore the history and architecture of the City and the people who lived here. Some walks will focus on specific districts; others will follow a theme, such as shops or cinemas. Details of the walks will be advised to members

Hove Book Group - A     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Tuesday - Monthly on 1st Tuesday
Venue Central United Reformed Church - Quiet Room
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Information This friendly and informal group meets monthly to discuss a wide range of books, chosen by members of the group.

Hove Book Group - B     

When Tuesday - Monthly
Venue Member's home
Normally meets 17:00 to 18:30
Information This friendly and informal group meets monthly to discuss a wide range of books, chosen by members of the group. Do contact James if you are interested.

Hove Book Group C     

When Wednesday, 2nd of the month
Venue Member's home
Normally meets 15:00 to 16:30
Information a small group of people who enjoy reading.We meet monthly in a member's house to discuss a book we have chosen,The group together agree which books we will we will read and discuss

International Travel Forum     

When Monday - Monthly mainly on last Monday of month
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 11:00 to 13:00
Information This group will examine and discuss all new developments in the travel industry from hotels, airlines, care hire, insurance and many other aspects of tourism. We also learn from each other’s experiences and share useful facts.

Italian adv Culture & Convers     

When Monday
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 17:00 to 18:30
Information Together we explore articles from topical Italian newspapers, magazines as well as reading an Italian novel for enjoyment and discussion. New members most welcome.

Italian Improvers     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Friday - Weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:30
Information The group will be using an Italian reader (book) to improve and enhance members’ knowledge of Italian and skill in speaking it.

Jazz Appreciation     

When Tuesday - normally monthly on 1st Tuesday
Venue Unitarian Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 15:00
Information We examine a cross section of American, European and British Jazz through recorded sounds, DVD, YouTube clips, along with occasional guest speakers and live performances.

Local History     

When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 12:30 to 13:30
Information We share and increase our knowledge of the history of Brighton and Hove with long-term residents and newcomers. Group also available on zoom

Mobile Phone Photography     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday - Fortnightly
Venue Various locations in the City
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Information Taking and editing photos with mobile phone has become the device of choice and many more photos are taken with smart phones than have ever been taken with a camera. The group will be given a theme for the photos every two weeks and we help to give you some tools to enhance your photos. The group meets every 2 weeks in Brighton or Hove.

Music And Memories     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday - Fortnightly
Venue Friends' Meeting House - room 4
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information An informal group, where we listen to a range of music and memories in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. In each session a volunteer will select and provide, their musical choices for everyone to share.

Music Appreciation     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Thursday - Fortnightly
Venue Friends' Meeting House - Quiet Room
Normally meets 10:00 to 12:00
Information This is a friendly, informal group which listens to mostly classical music. The first hour is planned, either by the group leader or by a willing member of the group. After a short break we return to play short pieces that members have chosen to bring in.

Opera for Beginners     

When Tuesday - Monthly 3rd Tuesday
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 11:30 to 13:00
Information The Opera for Beginners group will be for opera lovers who would like to learn more about the basics of opera, for better understanding and enhancement of their enjoyment. The course is at foundation level and will focus on the following: What is Opera ? The components that make opera and art form The origins of opera at the time of the Renaissance - how opera was viewed and used before it became an independent art form The first operas An opera timeline Glossary of the most common operatic terms A look at the most popular operas These are some of the topics that we will be looking at, with visuals, audio, discussion and questions.


When Thursday weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information This opera appreciation group welcomes those who are already familiar with opera and also those who want to become familiar with it. The level is generally and approximately Lower Intermediate/Intermediate to Advanced (A new group for Beginners is open from January 2025). The main purpose is to enjoy it through a shared experience.


When Thursday fortnightly
Venue Cornerstone - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 15:15 to 16:45
Information We’ll be covering the origins of philosophy, namely classical Greek – pre-Socratic, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Then a look at Descartes, before moving on to some themes with a modern approach.


  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Central United Reformed Church - Ventnor Hall
Normally meets 10:45 to 11:45
Information Classes are suitable for intermediate plus students and also for beginners provided that they have done a similar discipline such as Yoga or Tai Chi. Acceptance to the class is subject to a satisfactory medical questionnaire and a commitment to regular attendance. Please email or call me for full details.

Play Reading     

When Thursday - Weekly
Venue FreedomWorks Deckchair room
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information This is a non-performance group. The texts are sourced primarily from library stocks and, if needed, from online resources using tablets, laptops or even smartphones. The group is also developing a social side and we are enjoying the discussion prompted by our reading.

Poetry Group 1     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Tuesday - Weekly
Venue Member's home
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:30
Information A poetry study group where each person actively plays their part (and may be called to make the coffee!)

Poetry Group 2     

When Tuesday - Fortnightly
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 15:45 to 17:45
Information A poetry study group where each member takes it in turns to choose and give a short presentation on a poet, leading to further readings and discussions of that poet's work by all members.

Pop-Up Groups     

When Wednesday - occasional
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Kemp Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30

Recorder Group     

When Thursday - Weekly
Venue Hove Methodist Church - Vestry - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information This group welcomes those who already play the recorder or those who have experience on other instruments and would like to join us.

Roman History     

When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information The course takes a broad-based view of the history of ancient Rome. It covers more than a thousand years of the Kingdom, Republic and Empire and is necessarily selective!

Science and Engineering     

When Monday - Fortnightly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:30
Information Drawing on members’ knowledge and other information to consider questions of a broadly scientific and engineering nature. Science talks on the second Monday of the month; Engineering talks on the fourth Monday.

Scottish Country Dancing     

When Tuesday - weekly
Venue Unitarian Church Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 16:00 to 17:30
Information A light-hearted enjoyable way to keep healthy. Join the Scottish Country Dancing class and learn a variety of dances.


When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Cornerstone - St John's Room
Normally meets 15:30 to 17:30
Information A chance to play Scrabble at all levels in a friendly group, with tea and biscuits half-way through.

Skylark Bird Watching     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday - Monthly on 1st Monday, various walk dates
Venue Zoom
Normally meets 11:00 to 12:00
Information Learn how to recognise species of British birds by sight and sound through regular zoom sessions, followed up by field visits to various habitats with experienced birdwatcher Lynn Beun of the local RSPB. The visits need to be booked. Contact Lynn for details

Social Group     

When Various Days - Monthly
Venue Fitz Regent
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Information Regular Coffee mornings FOR ALL MEMBERS held to suggest/discuss arranging activities for which bookings can be taken; or find out about our different groups. Non-members of u3a are welcome to come along and chat with us. Cost £3 for refreshments.

Spanish Conversation     

When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Kemp Town Crypt - Adelaide Room
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Information This is a learning and conversation group for Spanish speakers at an intermediate level. We support one another in an accepting and helpful environment.

Spanish Conversation advanced     

When Wednesday Fortnightly
Venue FreedomWorks Seashell room
Normally meets 10:00 to 11:30
Information A conversation group conducted entirely in Spanish for those with a sound working knowledge of the language. Members take it in turn to lead a session, introducing a subject for discussion.


When Monday - Weekly
Venue King Alfred Leisure Centre
Normally meets 12:15 to 13:15
Information An informal group, meeting to play table-tennis, mixed abilities are all welcome. Bats are not provided so please bring your own. £10 pa surcharge for this group.

Tai Chi     

When Tuesday - Weekly
Venue Cornerstone - Brunswick Room
Normally meets 11:30 to 12:30
Information This course is open only to those who have completed the introductory course.

Ukulele Group     

When Wednesday - Weekly
Venue Member's home
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:30
Information All-comers are welcome to join the Ukulele group – no experience necessary! We will start with learning a few simple chords and rhythms and use them to play and sing songs. After we’ve mastered the basics we may increase the level of difficulty but are unlikely to rival Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. The group operates all year.


When Monday - Monthly 2nd Monday of the month
Venue Cornerstone - Loft
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Upwords is like Scrabble but building upwards in 3D – easy to learn with tuition given. Small, friendly group.

US Politics     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Monday - monthly 1st monday
Venue FreedomWorks Deckchair room
Normally meets 14:00 to 15:00
Information This course under various guises has been running since September 2022 when the mid-term elections were held to the Senate and the House of Representatives. We gathered together again in September 2024 to follow the developments in the run-up to the presidential election on 5 November. Now that Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President on 20 January 2025, we shall be following his decisons and policies and their implications for both the United States and indeed the world.

Walking Group 1     

When Various Days - Monthly
Venue Outdoors
Information Walks are up to 5 miles and are accessible by public transport. Dates vary, but there will be one weekday walk and one Sunday walk every month.

Walking Group 2     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday of every month
Venue Outdoors
Normally meets 10:00 to 00:00
Information Walks are usually 6 – 8 miles at a reasonable pace, led by a member of the group. Terrain may vary. Lifts to our out-of-the-way places can be arranged. Usually walks will end near a café or pub. These walks are offered all the year round, on 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday of every month.

Walking Group 3     

When Friday - 2nd and 4th Friday of the month
Venue Outdoors
Information We are a friendly, welcoming group who walk 10 – 12 miles twice a month. We aim at a reasonable pace in order to cover the distance in daylight through the winter months but we tend to be slow uphill. We carry a picnic lunch and meeting points are generally accessible by public transport. From time to time we tackle a series of walks to cover longer trails.

Wildflower Walks     

When Wednesday - 2nd Wednesday of summer months
Venue Outdoors
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Using public transport, walking from 2 – 4 miles and ending at a café. A slow pace over well-trodden paths with many stops and diversions to enable us to look at and discuss plants we see.

Wine Appreciation Group 1     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Wednesday- monthly, 1st Wednesday
Venue The Vale - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 18:30 to 20:30
Information Monthly meetings of several separate group-members wishing to share their knowledge and interest in viniculture, grape varieties and regions; or who wish to learn.

Wine Appreciation Group 2     

When Thursday - Monthly, 1st Thursday of the month
Venue The Vale - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 18:30 to 20:30
Information Monthly meetings of several separate group-members wishing to share their knowledge and interest in viniculture, grape varieties and regions; or who wish to learn.