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Crewkerne & District u3a Groups

Acting from Scratch     

When 4th Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00
Venue private home
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information A thriving group but ready to welcome new members.

Ancient History     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 1st Tuesday 1400-1600
Venue private home
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00


When Weekly, Monday 1000-1200
Venue Merriott Village Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 12:00
Information The group meets every Monday at Merriott Village Hall

Book club     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 4th Wednesday 10:30-1200
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00
Information We read a variety of books in turn - each chosen by members of the group. The person whose book is chosen then leads the discussion at the next meeting. We meet in our own homes thereby keeping the cost down - the host providing tea and coffee. The discussions can be pretty lively and everyone is expected to participate.

Book Group Volume 2     

  We regret that this group is full.
When 2nd Wednesday 1430-1600
Venue private home
Normally meets 14:30 to 16:00
Information Meeting to share and discuss a range of popular books chosen by our members.


When 4th Wednesday 1400-1600
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00


When 3rd Wednesday 1400-1600
Venue private home
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information informal group, members bring their own projects.

Creative Writing Group     

When 5th March 2025
Venue Misterton Village Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00

Digital Technology & A.I.     

When 2nd and 4th Thursday 1400-1600
Venue Oscar's Wine Bar - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00


When 3rd Wednesday 1400-1600
Venue Heritage Centre
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00

Family History     

When 4th Tuesday 1400-1600
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Its aim is to provide guidance on methods and resources for beginners and the more experienced.

Folk Dancing     

When 2nd & 4th Monday 1400-1600
Venue Speedwell Club
Normally meets 14:10 to 16:00

French Conversation     

  Note that French Conversation is full and you will be added to a waiting list.

When 3rd Wednesday 1000-1200
Venue private home
Information Come and revive or maintain your French conversation skills in an informal, friendly atmosphere.

Jazz appreciation     

When 4th Wednesday 1415-1615
Venue Various venues - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:15 to 16:15
Information A group of Jazz lovers who choose a topic to explore. We each bring tracks to play. One of the group offers to lead the discussion. We enjoy a cuppa midway. We have a Christmas party and a BBQ in June. Occasionally we visit the theatre. You are welcome to visit and see if it is for you.

Listening to Classical Music     

When 4th Tuesday of the month 1000-1200
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 12:00

Local History     

When 3rd Monday 1030
Venue Speedwell Club
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00

Mah Jong     

  We regret that this group is full.
When Weekly on Thursday 1400-1600
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Mah-Jong is a traditional game established in China about 100 years ago. Rules tend to vary from one group to another so whether you are a beginner or have played it before you are most welcome and tuition will be given. Basics are easy to learn. Players are dealt 13 tiles each to start the game and by picking up and discarding one tile at a time, they attempt to make various groups or patterns. It is a game of skill and luck and certainly an enjoyable and gently stimulating way to spend an afternoon! Date and Time: Thursday weekly 2.00 pm to 400 pm Play is for one hour with a break for a cup of tea or coffee and then carry on playing.

Opera Appreciation     

When 4th Monday 1430-1630
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:30 to 16:30
Information We use DVD to watch, and discuss, a different opera on each occasion.


When 3rd Thursday 1000
Venue Various venues - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 00:00
Information Various times and Venues -- contact group leader

Play Reading     

When Monthly, last Friday 1000-1200
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 10:00 to 12:00

Poetry Appreciation     

When 2nd Tuesday 1400-1600
Venue Dance House, Crewkerne - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information We will be looking at poems by past and present poets, and exploring ways in which poetry can reach our deepest feelings. Though this is primarily a reading and discussion group, there'll be opportunities too for writing poems, and practice in presenting them to an audience.


When 1st and 3rd Tuesday 1400-1600
Venue Henhayes Community Centre - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information We will use the traditional Scrabble rules and the latest Collins Scrabble dictionary with the most recent words. All are welcome to join us whatever standard you are.


  We regret that this group is full.
When 3rd Tuesday 1400-1600
Venue private home
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00

Short tennis     

When Weekly on Tuesday 1715-1815
Venue 1610 Sports Centre
Normally meets 17:15 to 18:15
Information Short Tennis (sometimes called Soft Tennis) was first played in Japan in 1884 and has been growing all over the world ever since. It is similar to tennis but played indoors on a small badminton court with a low net and a soft light foam ball. Rules are simple and easy to learn. It is a good sport to keep active, improve hand to eye coordination and memory and stay focused! It is suitable for all ages and is fun to play. Rackets will be provided for your first couple of games if you have not got your own. Wear loose comfortable clothing and good trainers. Experienced players or complete beginners are welcome.


When Weekly, Wednesday 1030-1230
Venue Conservative Club
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:30

Sunday Lunch Club     

When Last Sunday of the month
Venue Various venues - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 12:30 to 00:00

T @ 2     

When First Monday in Month
Venue Henhayes Community Centre - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 13:30 to 16:00
Information Regular monthly meeting

Table Tennis     

When Every Monday & Friday 1400-1600
Venue Misterton Village Hall - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 14:00 to 16:00
Information Table Tennis for exercise with enjoyment. We have recently moved to Misterton Village Hall, meeting Monday's 2pm - 4pm & Friday's 2pm - 4pm.


When Various
Venue Various venues - Streetmap - Google maps


When Every other Thursday 1030-1200
Venue private home
Normally meets 10:30 to 12:00


  We regret that this group is full.
When 1st & 2nd Wednesday 1500-1700
Venue Henhayes Community Centre - Streetmap - Google maps
Normally meets 15:00 to 17:00
Information Whist is a card game and a descendant of the 16th century game of trump or ruff. It takes its name from the 17th century whist (or wist) meaning quiet, silent, attentive. It was widely played in the 18th and 19th centuries in England. A standard 52 card pack is used. It is played by four people, who play in two partnerships with the partners sitting opposite each other. Rules are simple and full tuition will be given.