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Liphook u3a Groups

Book Reading     

Meets First Thursday
Details No annual fee, but £1 meeting fee to cover cost of refreshments.

Boules 1     

Meets Friday weekly
Normally starts 10:15 to 12:30
Details We play non-league Pétanque, but do use the rules of the British Pétanque Association, which enables us to make contact with other clubs in the district. There are now some vacancies for potential new members. Please contact us

Boules 2     

Meets Friday weekly
Normally starts 13:30 to 16:30
Details The group plays the game of boules (Petanque), non-league, according to the rules of the British Petanque Association. This enables us to make contact with other clubs in the district.


Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Normally starts 14:00 to 17:00

Card Making & Papercraft     

Meets 4th Wednesday
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details We have a selection of tools and materials so you don't need any equipment. Each month we focus on a different theme or technique and after a brief introduction we all have a go. Potential new members are very welcome to come and give card making a try.


Meets 1st & 3rd Friday
Details This is a joint Group of Haslemere and Liphook U3As. Players of all abilities are welcome but not complete beginners. We meet at least fortnightly in members' homes in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Churches & Pubs     

Meets Friday every 6 weeks
Details Visits to one or more local churches of architectural and historical interest followed by lunch at a convenient pub.

Computer Club     

Meets 4th Tuesday
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details The aim of the group is to help anyone with a computer to get a little more out of it. No prior knowledge or ability is required, only a willingness to learn a little more. We cover a wide variety of subjects but start each meeting with a theme subject.

Creative Writing     

Meets First Friday in Month
Normally starts 14:30 to 16:30
Details If you enjoy writing for pleasure, then you may be interested in joining this friendly group for encouragement and feedback. Each month we try to write a short piece on a suggested topic: from a first sentence, a picture, a news item, etc. Nothing is obligatory, come along to listen and join in the discussions.


Meets Wednesday and Sunday
Normally starts 15:00 to 00:00
Details Group meets twice a week, Wednesdays at Links Tavern and Sundays at private home. New members, beginners or experienced, welcome


Meets Wednesday weekly in season
Normally starts 09:45 to 12:15
Details A long established group always ready to welcome new members. Play mostly sociable croquet, rather than the more challenging and complex association croquet. Coaching is availalbe and all equipment is provided for beginners. Usually finish with coffee and biscuits, or occasionally go to the pub.

Current Affairs     

Meets 4th Friday
Details Each group member introduces a topic from the news/newspaper or tv news, talks about the item and then group members discuss each chosen topic. Refreshments included.

Exploring Art     

Meets 4th Monday
Normally starts 14:00 to 00:00
Details Whatever you may wish to know about art, we don’t have all the answers, but by friendly discussion, an informal exchange of ideas and opinions, we learn a lot, almost without realizing it! Topics for monthly meetings are chosen by popular vote and cover a wide range of subjects, ancient and modern, local and international, from painting and sculpture to applied arts.

Film Appreciation     

Meets 1st Thursday
Normally starts 14:00 to 17:00
Details Each film will be introduced with relevant facts and after the film has been shown, refreshments will be served and discussion of the film will follow. If you like watching old films, finding out about them and discussing them, then you will enjoy this group.

Flower Arranging     

Meets 2nd Thursday
Details We are a small informal group, meeting monthly to learn the basics of flower arranging and design and to improve our techniques. There is plenty of time for individual attention but much is gained from fellow members. Come and join us and gain confidence, because confidence is an enormous help.


Meets 2nd Wednesday
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details Learning about the geology of Britain with emphasis on local geology using practical exercises and occasional field visits.


Meets As arranged
Details Friendly outings at local Pay & Play courses(within 20-30 mile radius of Liphook), with the occasional practice session at a driving range. Organised outing on a fortnightly basis (cost usually about £20-25 per round), albeit members are encouraged to arrange sessions between themselves if they would like more golf. A drink and a chinwag at the 19 hole is a must add on! Membership fee is £5/year

Have A Go     

Meets Approximately once per month
Details The group exists for members who want to "have a go" at some more adventurous (physically, technically or mentally) activities that are presented to us, from Stand up paddle boarding, through archery to an indoor skydive or 10 pin bowling. If you think it might be for you then drop me an email.


Meets 3rd Wednesday
Normally starts 10:30 to 12:30
Details Formed in 2013, the History Group has been working through British History from the Roman Occupation to more recent times. We are currently studying the 19th century and aim to continue with subjects up to 1939. We have also some discussions on foreign history matters linked to Britain. We normally receive three presentations per session delivered by our members who talk on subjects of their own choice and we break halfway through the morning for refreshments. We have use of a projector and laptop to illustrate these topics and we aim to gain further knowledge by this approach. We charge each member £15 per annum to cover hire and refreshment costs or pro rata if joining through the financial year.

Local History     

Meets 2nd Tuesday
Normally starts 10:30 to 12:00
Details We are a friendly, informal group sharing a wide ranging interest in people and events that have had an impact on the region in which we live. Meetings typically consist of an illustrated talk, followed by questions and refreshments. We do also have a few outside visits to places of local historical interest.

Men Wot Cook     

Meets 1st Monday
Normally starts 10:30 to 01:30
Details The member whose turn it is (optional) to be 'Cook of the Day' chooses a menu and buys the ingredients and wine. The total cost of the day is divided between those members attending.. All assist the ‘Cook of the Day’ to prepare the meal which is then enjoyed over a convivial glass of wine.

Music Appreciation     

Meets 3rd Monday
Details We listen to and discuss western classical music using high-end hi-fi systems at private houses. We generally have a theme and listening notes aid understanding of the music being played. For members to experience national or international quality live music, members visit Grayshott Concerts and other local events.


Meets 2nd and 4th Friday
Details Just gentle walking, with no steep hills, deep valleys or awkward stiles (or that’s the plan!) We walk in a variety of local places for up to about one and a half hours, finishing at an eatery for a social meal for those wishing to stay.

Table Games     

Meets 1st Wednesday am and 4th Thursday pm
Details We do not anticipate playing Bridge or Chess as these groups are already well-established but the other opportunities are almost endless. We have already access to Mah Jong, Trivial pursuits, Articulate, Monopoly, Rummikubs, Upwords, Othello, Yahtzee, Backgammon and Cluedo among the board games. Scrabble is now added to the list. Card games include Canasta, Samba, Cribbage, Whist, Skipbo. Members are welcome to bring any new games to the group.

Table Tennis     

Meets Tuesdays weekly
Normally starts 09:00 to 11:00
Details Three tables are available for a good workout. Join us at whatever time suits you between 9.00 and 12.00. This is a fun group, with varying degrees of skill – we have beginners to league players, so please do not think you are not good enough. We have a few bats we can loan you to start with before you make any commitment. Tea and coffee is available at any time during the morning and parking is good at the Hall.

Theatre Club     

Meets Various
Details There is a once only joining fee of £10 per person which is non-refundable. This allows us to get access to a good reduction in the price of tickets which will soon recover the initial cost of joining. Transport by coach is included in the cost.

Transport Interests     

Meets 3rd Wednesday
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details The Transport Interests Group covers all forms of transport, road, rail, water, air – vehicles. The activities consist of transport related meetings which may include talks from members or visits to transport associated manufacturers, museums, etc

Trips Out     

Meets As arranged
Details We run many and varied day trips to London and the South of England Coaches leave from the Millennium Hall.

Tuesday2 Walking Group     

Meets Second Tuesday
Details The Tuesday2 walks will be of varying lengths dependant on inclines / terrain to be done. At ‘our’ pace we could theoretically do 6km on a flat smooth track, and will take around 2 hours. The invitations will mention if there are stiles or harder terrain. These walks are open to all U3A members and (at the moment) there’s no subscription or membership fee. Contact the Group Leader if you wish to receive more information.


Meets Every Thursday except the 4th one
Details Walks are usually between 5 and 6 miles but if leaders have a longer walk that they would like to share with the group it can be included. Walkers will be advised if a walk is longer or more demanding than usual. Members are encouraged to take a turn in acting as a walk leader. We walk in all weathers over local terrain, hills and stiles included, using footpaths and bridleways as far as possible. Most walks start within a 20 mile radius of Liphook, and end with an optional pub lunch. Walkers need to be equipped with suitable footwear and clothing

Wine Appreciation     

Meets 4th Tuesday at 19.30
Normally starts 19:30 to 21:30
Details We started in 2013 and are a friendly and informal group of enthusiasts who currently meet at each others’ homes. Our topics and tastings have included wines from Chile, France, South Africa and Spain. Our programme is varied and follows members’ interests. We are currently at our maximum number of 10.

Wine Discovery     

Meets 4th Thursday
Normally starts 14:15 to 15:45
Details As one would expect the meeting's subject is the harvest [liquid] of the grape.. The tasting meetings are very informal events to learn about wines from all parts of the world. Apart from our regular wine tasting sessions, we aim to arrange an annual visit to a vineyard, hold a summer barbecue and start each year with a Luncheon and AGM in January