Upper Bann

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Upper Bann u3a Groups

Art Group (Acrylics)     

Meets each Wednesday
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details This is a relaxed painting class with the emphasis on enjoyment

Board Games     

Meets Thursday morning at 10am

Book Club     

Meets Second Tuesday of each month
Details We meet in The Seagoe Hotel- a place to meet with friends and enjoy delicious bakes. Take a break, read a book, have a meal.

Boxcar Wednesdays     

Meets One Wednesday per month (Date to be agreed)
Details Meeting at NIR Train or Translink stations


Meets Friday mornings
Normally starts 10:00 to 13:00
Details Teaching and playing. Open to beginners and more experienced bridge players

Can I Ask You This?     

Meets TBC
Details Monthly Meetings of Human Library Group

Floral Art and Crafts     

Meets 2nd Wednesday in the Month
Details Floral art every three months, with a selection of arts and crafts the other months. Origami, Bead making etc.

Friday Locomotion     

Meets One Friday per month (Date to be agreed)
Details new group 9/9/2022


Meets Various locations
Details As required

Get-Together (Monthly Meeting)     

Details There is disabled access and a lift to the upper rooms

Go Compare (Coffee Shops)     

Meets Weekly
Details Weekly Visits to local Coffee Shops


Meets NULL

Health and Wellbeing     

Meets 1st Wednesday of month
Normally starts 00:14 to 00:15

I Want to See That (Films)     

Meets Monthly
Details Monthly Visits to QFT

Knit and Natter     

Meets each Wednesday
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:00
Details Knitting Group

Luncheon Club     

Meets Different restaurant each month.

Monday Walks     

Meets Various venues. Advised by email.
Normally starts 10:00 to 12:30

Nature Group     

Meets Meet 2nd Wed of month with extra outings in summer
Details Visit to nature reserves, National Trust and other major parks and gardens.


Meets Each Thursday
Details Photography group for beginners and experienced photographers. Initially meeting weekly progressing to field trips. For more information contact Joe

Poetry Appreciation     

Meets Meets on the first Monday of each month.
Normally starts 14:00 to 16:00
Details A very relaxed, enjoyable two hour period when members work their way through poems of pre-selected poet(s) hoping to make sense of and understand the language of poets whether uplifting or sad, gentle and caring or harsh and shocking. The fun is in listening to each others' interpretations! Contact: Maureen McLoughlin at 077 5914 1878

Re-Tyred 2     

Meets each Friday morning (weather permitting)
Normally starts 10:00 to 13:00
Details Leisure cycling for u3a members


Meets as arranged

Sewing Group     

Meets 1st and 3rd Friday each month
Details Sewing group meeting in the craft room in the Brownlow Hub with the inspiration of "Sewing Bee" enthuaist Ruth Irwin where mrmbers can finish previously started garments or other projecs with the help of an experidnced seamstress.



Spanish for Beginners     

Meets Each Tuesday
Normally starts 14:30 to 15:30
Details This is a self taught group for beginners wishing to learn conversational French. The class is very informal with an emphasis on learning but in a fun filled way. We use the BBC's Speak Spanish 1

Strident Strollers     

Meets Various venues. Advised by email.

Table Tennis     

Meets Every Wednesday
Normally starts 02:00 to 03:00
Details Table Tennis Ulster - Nick Rusk Start time 2pm to 3pm

Tai-Chi / Chi-Me     

Meets NULL
Details new 3/7/2023

Theatre Outings     

Meets Advised by email and newsletter

Tom's Easy Riders     

Meets Various venues / weather dependent.
Details Start times may vary

Yoga Group     

Meets Thursdays
Normally starts 10:30 to 12:00
Details A 1 1/2 hour class which includes gentle stretches, breathing techniques and relaxation aimed at improving strength, flexibility, balance and general well-being. The yoga group is fully subscribed and has a waiting list.